I Can't Be What You Are


Third Person’s P.O.V.

As soon as Cassie left for school, Monica decided to call Carlisle and tell him of something suspicious Cassandra did.

But no one picked up the phone.

So she decided to go visit him at work.

Walking outside, she saw that Cassandra left her car.

“How is this? There’s no way she could have gotten to school on-time on foot...” Monica whispered to herself.

She decided it would be much easier just to use Cassandra’s car, it was after all at her use.

She walked back inside, and picked the keys off the counter while turning back and closing the door.

While driving, she considered the possibilities about all the plans that were arranged for Cassandra being unfolded before her.

It was just not acceptable for her to find out. She is so fragile and innocent, it would crush her.

Monica heaved a big sigh and entered the hospital.

“Hi, I need to see Dr. Cullen.” She said immediately.

“Problems with the baby?” She asked, smiling at Monica’s large stomach.

“Yeah, that’s it.” She lied; the receptionist came up with the excuse for her.

“He’ll be with you in a moment. Please, take a seat.” She gestured, Monica nodded and smiled.

“Monica,” Carlisle beckoned as he entered the lobby smiling.

“Hello.” She smiled and followed Dr. Cullen.

They both entered Dr. Cullen’s office.

“How’s the baby?’ He asked, grinning.

“Perfectly, but that’s not why I came to see you...” Monica started, being serious.

“And why is that?” Carlisle looked at her intently.

“Cassandra has been acting... strange lately.” She looked to the ground.

“How so?”

“For instance, this morning, she was running incredibly fast, and she didn’t even take her car. Surely she could never get to school on-time walking or running. But she did.”

“Anything else?”

“Well—.” Monica was cut off.

“Dr. Cullen?” The receptionist knocked on his door.

“Yes Martha?”

“A young girl named Cassandra is here to see you, seems she has allergies to certain scents.” She said almost as if it were a question.

“Yes, send her in a moment.” Carlisle called back, soon she was gone.

Carlisle faced Monica.

“Hide in that closet.” He ordered.

She nodded, her eyes showed slight panic, but nonetheless, she did as she was told.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Carlisle opened it slightly to see who was behind it.

“Please come in.” He grinned toothily.

“Thank you.” She smiled warmly; she seemed to feel more comfortable, just as everyone was when Carlisle was around. She pulled down her scarf.

“I’m Dr. Cullen, call me Carlisle.” He said in a welcoming tone.

Cassandra nodded and smiled.

“Now, what seems to be the problem Ms. Genova.?”

“Well, just this morning, I started getting very sensitive to smells.” She admitted.

“Really? Well, I have just the thing.” His eyes gave off a vibe of suspicion but his voice was polite and soft.

Cassandra just looked at her feet as one toe hit the other heel back and forth.

“Here, just spray this up your nose everyday when you wake up and you should be fine for the day.” He smiled warmly, his soft, light honey brown eyes glimmering in the light.

“Thank you Carlisle.” Cassie smiled and took it politely.

“Don’t mention it.” He smiled back and led me out the door.

Cassandra smiled at him one more time before opening the door and coming face-to-face with a suspicious Edward.

He looked at her with a suspicious vibe like everyone else did.

She looked at him with slightly hurt eyes before brushing past him.

“Carlisle, she knows.” Edward started immediately.

“Who?” Carlisle wanted to know.

“That girl, Cassandra.” He answered.

“How do you suppose she found out?”

“She saw me and Bella in the forest. Then she took Bella’s book about the Quileute werewolf clan. And she’s pretending like she doesn’t know anything!” Edward exclaimed the last part in a whisper.

“Son, this might not be a bad thing. Think about it. If she doesn’t want you & Bella to know that she knows anything about us, then chances are, she doesn’t want anyone else to know either.”

“Yes, but--.” Edward was cut off.

“Edward, I have a theory...” Carlisle started.

“Oh? And what is that?” Edward crossed his arms over his chest.

“Come out, don’t be shy.” Carlisle said looking at the closet.

Edward looked at Carlisle, then at the closet waiting for something to happen.

Soon, Monica emerged from the closet.

“You’re Cassandra’s sister in law.” Edward said instantly.

“How did you know? We’ve never met...” She looked away.

“I--.” Edward stopped himself from continuing.

“She knows.” Carlisle subtly added in.

“Have you gone completely insane?!” Edward exclaimed.

“She’s encountered more of our kind, and she can tell whether we are or not. She confronted me.” Carlisle defended.


“Continue with what you were saying.” Monica butted in.

“I went to your house numerous times to retrieve a book Cassandra borrowed from my girlfriend, Bella. With that book, she could easily identify our kind. And if I asked for it back, her being human would want to know my relation to the book since it is property of Bella.” Edward explained.

“I see, but that’s the problem...” Monica started.

“What is?”

“Monica isn’t actually Cassandra’s sister in law, nor is Gabriel, the man who poses as her brother.” Carlisle started.

“So, what are you saying?”

“There’s a story behind Cassandra, and she’s yet to find out what it is.” Carlisle looked back and forth between Monica and Edward.

Cassandra’s P.O.V.

Hmm, it feels good to be back to normal...

I sighed in content and let the warm water from the shower head trickle down my stiff body.

Today has been such a nightmare. I’m just glad to be home and relaxed.

Walking out of the shower, I picked up a towel from the counter and though about the suspicious vibes I’ve been getting all day.

First; from Monica.

She looked at me oddly this morning when I asked her what kind of perfume she was wearing, then she admitted that she wasn’t wearing any, and gave me a look.

Second; from Carlisle.

I remembered when I was telling Carlisle about my allergic reaction to the scents everyone was letting bounce off their bodies. He shot me a glance of suspicion and turned when I saw it.

Third; from Edward.

When I was walking out of Carlisle’s office, he was there for some reason. Looking at me, his eyes practically read “What are you doing here?”

I sighed and flopped on my bed, realizing that this whole thinking process went by so fast that I was dressed with a towel wrapped around my hair.

Before I knew it, I was yawning and diving into the dream world.

Next Day

I felt good this morning.

Not only because Dr. Cullen gave me the special nose thing for my allergies, or because I have two packs of bueno chocolate.

Because I could just feel in the air that something was going to happen.

Monica had left for some fitness class for pregnant woman, so I was alone and free to make my breakfast this morning.

After finishing, I quickly made my way to my car, seeing as it was already 8:37am.

Arriving at school, I ran to my locker in hopes of getting my things together in time to make it to class.

& I did.

I took my usual seat at the back next to the dark haired boy whose name escapes me.

“Hey Cassie, I heard about what happened in calculus the other day with my boy Daniel.” He laughed.

“Oh my, does everyone know?” I asked, feeling guilty about calling him smelly.

“Pretty much, Mr. Crewe’s class is definitely known for their gossiping.” He said.

“I’ve got to apologize to him sometime or another.” I told myself, but I know the guy knew.

“Yeah.” He said before the teacher entered and smiled at the class.

After that class, I felt anxiety boil up within me. It was almost as if I felt like something major was going to happen.

I looked around tiredly at everyone in the hall as they passed by incredibly slow.

That’s when I saw him.

He was standing right there, flawlessly.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Good thing I didn’t want to.

I ran as fast as my feet could take me across the hall and into his strong muscular arms.

Everything felt so right. My head pressed against his chest, while my arms were wrapped around his strong torso.

I cried into a fit of happiness.

“Timothy! Oh, Timothy, you came back for me... You really came back.”

I was lost in my own train of though.

Could this really be the same Timothy standing right in front of me?

Surely it had to be. All his physical features matched. His chiselled chin, his muscular body, his full raspberry coloured lips.

His soft honey coloured eyes.

But his hair... it was different; it was black.

Timothy always had blond hair!

“W-what are you talking about?!” He pushed me off.

Timothy wouldn’t do that.

“I-I’m so sorry, it seems I’ve mistaken you for someone else.” I scratched the side of my head, not making any eye contact before walking away.

As soon as I was out of his sight, I started running, and let the tears stream violently down my pale face.

My heart got the best of me back there. My pride and dignity... gone.

& why?

All because I saw one boy who looked very much like the man I once loved.

The rest of the day, it felt like everywhere I went, he would be there.

It must be a curse; my humiliation has to be re-lived over and over...

I sighed as I entered the parking lot at the end of classes.

Looking up at the meek royal blue sky.

Timothy... why did you have to leave me in misery?

Boarding my car, I decided to take the long way, just to think about things.

Third Person’s P.O.V.

Everyone was staring at Emmett and Cassandra.

No one dare spoke a word, but no one dare stopped and stared.

Somehow, it seemed like Cassandra and Emmett had a bond. Even though they never met before.

It was odd, how Cassie was acting like she had known and loved Emmett for her whole life.

Emmett looked like he felt the same way.

But what took him off guard was the way Cassandra called out for a boy named “Timothy”

He looked a bit disappointed.

During the coarse of the day, Emmett was everywhere Cassandra was.

As if he were following her.

Even after school, he took his own car alone. Not only to avoid the others—especially Rosalie, but to follow Cassie.

Cassandra knew that someone was following her, so she decided to drop taking the long way home; she decided to tease them by heading down to a harbour—more like foothills of the forest.

She discovered the area just a little while ago. She felt it was a good place to get away.

Parking her car, she turned around slowly only to find that no one was there. But, she did see a faint structure behind the trees.

“I know you’re following me. I just don’t know who you are.” She yelled out loud enough for Emmett to hear.

Emmett soon emerged from the trees.

As soon as Cassandra saw Emmett, her face became gentle and innocent.

Her full lips were perched in the cutest way while her eyes were big with curiosity.

She just stood there nonetheless, waiting for Emmett to break the silence.

He couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m sorry for being so rude to you today.” He said.

“Uh-I-I-n-no. My apologies, I was the one who...” Cassandra didn’t bother continue her sentence.

The memories were enough to finish the sentence.

To her surprise, he laughed.

“Don’t apologize you dork.” He approached her and ruffled her hair.

Oh my gosh! Timothy used to do that...

Cassie though. She only smiled warmly up at Emmett who returned the same smile.

But no... This could never be Timothy, Timothy is...

Cassie couldn’t bring herself to say the word, just the memories of watching it happen recoil in her mind endlessly to no end.