I Can't Be What You Are


Third Person’s P.O.V.

Cassandra descended from a large mossy rock as she jumped down at the last fringe and took a seat on the damp grass, not caring that her pants would get wet.

“What’s your name?” Emmett asked, taking a seat himself, a few feet away from her.

“Cassandra, call me Cassie if you’d like.” Cassandra smiled warmly up at the sky.

“So, Cassandra, what was that whole thing about today?” He asked.

Cassie instantly frowned at the way he addressed.

She sighed inwardly.

“I’ll tell you, if you tell me your name.”


“Last name?” She still had the tiniest gleam of hope inside her that the person sitting a few feet away from her might be Timothy.

“...Cullen.” He replied, he said it slowly.

Cassandra sat back with her hands cradling her head.

“I used to know the most charming boy. He was very regal, and handsome. But at the same time he was mysterious and intriguing. All the girls in the school wanted him for themselves. But I was lucky enough to be his number one. At the time, I couldn’t see why he loved me. I was a bit on the chubby side with Glasses, and I wasn’t the most popular girl in school. But one night, as we gazed at the night sky, I asked him why he loved me, and he said; “Love is blind, darling.” Cassie smiled up at the gloomy sky above her.

“Isn’t that romantic; Just one question, why did you speak like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you were from another time?” Emmett asked, looking her intently.

“I don’t know, it’s they way we spoke at the time. Even though the time was when I was fifteen, which was two years ago.” She shrugged it off. “Let me continue.”

“His name was Timothy Moretti. And we dated for a year. He looked exactly like you. The shape of his face; he had the same chiselled chin as you, and the same full lips. Timothy was also very muscular. He had the same fake blue eyes as you too.” Cassandra smiled dully at Emmett.

“Fake blue?” He asked.

“Yes, his eyes were always very fake looking to me, I don’t know why. At either rate, you look a lot like him. But Timothy, he had blonde hair. It was long and shaggy and framed his face perfectly.” Cassie sighed dreamily.

“Sounds like you really love him.” Emmett looked away.

“Yeah, but then, something happened.” Cassandra’s tone of voice became very grim and saddened.

“What? What happened?” Emmett resembled an excited dog, waiting for a treat.

“Haha, you’re very interested aren’t you?”

“Well-uh, n-no, you just haven’t given me the reason for your actions, that’s all.” Emmett stiffened.

“Haha, alright.” Cassandra laughed. “He broke up with me. Said we couldn’t be together. I cried for days, and didn’t show up at school for a whole week. I was so heartbroken, because I knew we were meant to be, and it killed him to do it. I just couldn’t get why he did it...”

Cassandra shot Emmett a quick glance before going on.

“Later on, I found out from a friend that he wasn’t showing up at school. So I decided to return to my studies. Later on, I talked to his cousin, Stephanie, she told me the reason he broke up with me was because I was in danger. She explained how her family was part of a big mafia around town. Which explained why I never new his last name before that. Anyway, another mafia son had threatened to kill me once he found Timothy’s weakness. One day, I found Timothy driving around town and decided to follow him and clear things up. He led me straight into the woods; it took me forever to catch up with him. Once I found him, it was too late to tell him anything, because we were struck by a strong, inhuman force. 3 weeks later, I was informed of his death, and that I had been in a coma for three weeks.”

Emmett was silent.

“So I guess what I’m trying to say is that, the reason I did what I did today was because you looked so much like him, my emotions took over, and I though you were him...” She admitted.

Emmett looked at Cassandra speechless. He opened his mouth every now and then to try and let something out, but the words just wouldn’t come.

“C’mon you’re a man, speak up!” Cassandra laughed, she would always say that to Timothy.

“I-I have to go.” Emmett got up quickly without another word and walked to his jeep.

He got in without a second glance and drove away.

Cassandra sighed. “I’m just a boy repellent aren’t I?” She decided to leave as well.


“Carlisle, I can’t do this. I can’t hide from her forever, sometime or another, she’ll find out what’s going on.” Emmett yelled in frustration upon bursting through the door.

“What’s all this about Emmett?” Carlisle asked suspiciously.

“The girl—the new girl Cassandra.” Emmett started, regaining his breath; he had left his car all the way on the bottom of the hill so he could run home and hopefully think of something to do.

“We might not have to son. Just let the situation simmer on its own, she will find out on her own. She will discover something about herself in the process. For now, just leave it alone.” Carlisle encouraged.

“I hope you’re right Carlisle, you know how Rosalie is with these things...” He looked away.

“About what things?” Rosalie asked intently upon jumping off a branch and emerging into the living room with Alice and Jasper following far behind.


“I know you’re hiding something from me Emmett.”

“So? What are you going to do about it? Have Edward read my mind?!” Emmett asked, standing up tall.

“If I have to.” Her voice boomed unintentionally as she put one hand on her hip.

“You’re not getting anything out of me Rosalie!” Emmett screamed in anger and stormed out of the room with his Jacket.

Emmett opened the front door of the house with much force and ran toward the forest. He climbed up one of the tallest trees quickly and swiftly. He sat on the highest branch looking out at the lakes horizon line before him.


“H-He’s never yelled at me like that before...” Rosalie bowed her head in shame.

“Oh, Rosalie. I...” Alice started, and approached Rosalie. She put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Rosalie pushed it away.

“No, I-it’s okay. I just... I just need some time alone...” Rosalie’s high heels clicked on the hard wood floor slowly until the sound disappeared.

Cassandra’s P.O.V.

After Emmett left, I decided to leave as well. There was nothing else here, only the memories of me revealing my saddest memories to a beautiful stranger.

I mean, I couldn’t really call him a stranger.

I know his name.

And his age?

And his family... for the most part.

“Ugh! Why am I trying to convince myself I know him?!” I scolded myself.

I knew the answer to that already.

And I liked it.

As I unlocked the door to new home I walked into the kitchen to find nothing but a note.

Dear Cassie,

Monica & I went to the doctor to check on the baby.

Then were going out for dinner; there’s Chinese in the fridge for you.


I scoffed in disgust. “He knows I hate Chinese.”

I zoomed up the stairs for a shower. My clothes had gotten dirty from sitting on the damp grass earlier today.

Getting out of the shower, I picked out a fresh pair of warm clothes. I didn’t bother doing anything special to my hair or make up, so I just pinned up my hair and put on my glasses, slightly covering my eyes with my bangs.

I sprinted down the stairs, grabbing my hat and jacket, and then I took my leave.

Driving around town looking for a decent place to eat was hell in the rain, but luckily I found a small diner on the corner of a semi busy street.

Parking my car and locking it, I toward the diner, only to find a few of my classmates fooling around. I laughed a bit and coughed at the same time.

They all looked at me as if I was a deformed in some way or another.

I sighed and kept walking.

By now, my thin, golden brown hair was dry enough to let out.

I took a seat at the booth and waited to be served.

“Hey Cassie.” I heard Bella’s familiar voice call.

I turned my head and waved at Bella who was sitting in the corner of the small dinner, with who I assumed was her dad reading a news paper.

She gestured for me to join her.

I got off the thin cocktail chair and sat down next to her at her table.

“It’s a small world, I guess.” I laughed, as did she.

“Not really, I come here every Thursday...” She admitted.

I nodded and a server came to the table.

She looked very sad.

“Boys wanna know...” She started. “Did you find anything?”

“A bare human footprint.” Charlie looked disappointed. “The county sheriff is going to take it from here.”

“Okay. I just hope they catch ‘em...” She looked down and walked away.

“Did I miss something?” I asked looking back at the waitress.

“There was an animal attack on a good friend of mine, and unfortunately, he died because of it. Just like so many others.” He sighed.

“Oh, that’s horrible!” I looked down at my hands.

“I didn’t introduce myself, I’m chief swan, just call me Charlie.” He smiled and we shook hands.

“Alright.” I laughed.

“I’m so sorry; I forgot to take your order. What would you like today?” The waitress who was just here asked, with a note pad out, ready to scribe down my order.

“No, no. It’s fine; I don’t have much of an appetite today.” I said slowly.

It was odd, normally, I loved to eat, and would never pass up a meal. But, nothing seemed very appetising today...

“If that’s what you want, let me know if you need anything.” She forced a smile then walked away.

“What’s up with you?” Bella asked, taking a bite of Salad.

“Nothing, I’m just not that hungry.”

“Is it because of what happened with Emmett?” She asked, smirking as she ate.

I froze; I was literally a sitting rock statue for a moment.

“You saw that?” I choked out.

“Who didn’t?” She laughed a bit.

I looked at her sadly.

“Sorry.” She apologized.

“It’s okay.” I opened my mouth to say something. “Do you think everyone saw?” I asked.

“Better everyone then Rosalie...” She took a bite from her burger.


That name... it’s sounds so familiar!”

I thought to myself.

I turned to Bella wide eyed.

“Who is Rosalie?” I practically hissed.

“Emmett’s girlfriend.” She replied simply.

That sentence shattered me.


“C-can you show me who she is tomorrow?” I asked.



“Can’t say I blame you. I’d be a hypocrite.”

“Haha.” I laughed.

Bella and I chatted for a little more, and then I took my leave. It was twilight when I finally got home.

I opened the door to find that still, no one was home.

“Whaa?” I was in a daze as I looked around.

A simple check up isn’t that long.

I was worried, so I decided to go check up on them at the hospital. I arrived there in a flash and walked up to the counter.

“Hi, is Dr. Cullen there?” I asked in a rush.

“No, he went home a little while ago.” She replied as she typed what I assumed were appointments on her computer.

“Were Monica and Gabe Genova here by any chance?” I asked.

“Yes, they were as a matter of fact, they were here for a check up, and then they left with Dr. Cullen.” She said in a monotone.

I gave her a confused look. “Okay... thanks.” I turned around slowly, my confused face still forced onto my face.

I got in my car, and decided I would quiz them about all this later.

Where could they have gone? And why?