I Can't Be What You Are


Third Person’s P.O.V.


Gabe and Monica merged through the door with little difficulty. Monica looked down to check her watch.

“It’s 8:30. Shit.” Monica muttered, and tapped her watch, hoping for the wrong time.

“For once, I have absolutely no idea what Cassie will say. And what were going to say to her.” Gabe looked worried.

Before they new it, they were sitting on the couch, staring right at the wall, waiting for the worst to come.

“Hey, where were you?” Cassandra asked, descending the last few steps of the staircase.

“Doctors appointment, didn’t you read the note?” Gabe stumbled over “doctor’s appointment”

“The one involving nasty Chinese food? Yeah, I did. So I went out and hung out with Bella at some dinner for a little while, and you still weren’t back, so I went to the clinic, the lady said that you guys went there for a brief appointment, then left with Carlisle, why is that?” Cassie asked, suspicion dripping from her voice.

“Well, he err, invited us for dinner...” Monica said.

“So you lied in the note?” Cassandra asked, there were no real signs of anger in her eyes, or voice, only curiosity, which is what they feared the most.

“Pretty much.” Gabe replied.

“I see. And why? What was the dinner even about?”

“Nothing in particular, just the baby and such.”

“Hm. Well, I see how it is. If you don’t want to tell me, I guess I have to go see Dr. Carlisle for the truth.” Cassandra said in a very low tone, it was almost a hiss and ran back up to her room.


Cassandra’s P.O.V.

The whole weekend was a big blur. Basically, all I remember, is sleeping, eating, and doing homework.

Then, Monday came, and it was the horror.

I sighed and lightly ran my fingers through my auburn hair.

Only, it wasn’t auburn, it was a dark ivory red.

So I dyed my hair... without myself knowing. Wow, I wonder what else I did.

I checked myself through the rear-view mirror.

Oh my god. My eyes! They’re... golden!

I decided that once I got to the bathroom, I would take out the contacts, because that’s what I believed they were. Key word being believed. And when I get home I’m going to wash out the dye.

I groaned and got out of my car. The second my boot heal hit the pavement floor with a loud click, everyone around me had their eyes on me. It was really awkward.

But I held my backpack and walked down the pavement as usual.

As I walked further, more people started to look at me.

“She’s hot.” I heard one guy whisper, I looked at him nervously, he just smirked and winked.

I quickly got my things for calculus and rushed to the washroom with the precious five minutes before class I have.

Lucky for me, Calculus and the washroom are conveniently close to my locker, while biology is all the way on the other side of the school.

I looked at myself in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself.

My hair was way shinier then before, it was also longer and better groomed.

My eyes were very glossy, and shined brightly in the light, not to mention they were golden as I pointed out earlier this morning.

I also looked much slimmer, my arms were thin rather then their usual chubbiness. My stomach looked pushed in and thin, like all my fat disappeared.

My legs surprised me even more. They were perfectly shaped, while my old legs look like fat had been injected into them every week.

I rubbed my temples trying to comprehend the huge transformation I had gone through.

Coming to my senses, I rushed to class.

Entering class was just like walking across the lot, all eyes on me.

Third Person’s P.O.V.

“Whoa, where’s Cassie, and who are you?” Howard asked as Cassandra took her usual seat.

“E-excuse me?” She asked, scratching the side of her head and flipping through her book to find out where the class left off.

“I guess it is you. Wow, you’ve changed over the weekend haven’t you?” He smirked.

“Yeah, even I can’t believe it haha.”

“Good morning class. Oh, I see our new student has taken a seat, and yet, I get no memo about you. What’s your name?” The teacher asked.

Everyone looked at Cassie.

“Uh, C-Cassandra Genova...” She stuttered.

“Cassandra? Wow, I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you there.” He chuckled. Cassie laughed nervously with him.

“I-it’s alright.” She said ever so quietly, only Howard heard.

“Want to explain all of this?” Howard whispered.

“Look, I have no idea how I came to look like this. Right now, I’m trying to convince myself that I went to some crazy party, got drunk, and got made over by some psycho.” She whispered violently.

Howard scoffed. “There are never crazy parties in forks.” He laughed a bit.

“Meep!” She screeched, only loud enough for the last row to hear. “Not helping, at all.”

“Anyway, I’ve been meaning to ask you; do you want to hang out, like after school?” He asked timidly.

Cassandra looked at him warmly for a second. “Sure.” She smiled.

First step in getting over him. She though to herself.

After class, Howard walked Cassie to French class.

“I have to ask you something.” Cassie suddenly said on the way to French.


“Why did you ask me on a date? If it is a date.” She laughed nervously.

“I though you were really cute when I saw you the first time. And I like shy girls. Haha.” He smiled warmly.

“Oh... thanks.” She blushed and entered the class. “See you at lunch?” She asked.

“Sure, yeah!” He said and scratched the back of his head.


“Cya.” He waved.


“Why is she talking to him?” Emmett glared at Howard from across the hall.

“I don’t know. She looks so different; her eyes are the same color as yours.” Bella strayed.



Emmett kept silent.

“Well, I got French class now, see you later Emmett.” Bella waved. Emmett said his goodbyes and glared once again at Howard.

Why do I feel this way?! Emmett sighed in frustration and hurried to biology.


Cassandra’s P.O.V.

Lunch was brutal. And it’s not even over yet.

I walked down the lunch room with Howard, and everything was normal, between us. People were still gawking over how different I was. I knew they noticed it was me now, that’s why thankfully; most of them lost interest in my plain-Jane self. Howard and I decided to sit at the end of the lunchroom, near the windows.

“So, you wanna go see a movie?” He asked.

“Sure, anything good playing?”

“I hear the dark knight is pretty sick.”

“Nice. I’ve been meaning to see that movie.” I smiled.

“Really? Most girls I know would hate to go see that movie, nice to have fresh meat here.” He laughed.

I laughed too, but I took it a bit offensively, but it was me opening my mouth that scrwed up my last relationship, and Howard and I aren’t even together yet! I wasn’t about to ruin the one chance I had.

By now, I felt one pair of flaming eyes upon me. I turned my head and looked behind me to see Emmett. His golden eyes had changed color; they were now onyx black with fury.

Somehow, I felt a bit... guilty. But I have no idea why. I had nothing to be guilty about... right?

I sighed. That’s what I’m going to try and believe.

“Anyway, so I’ll pick you up at 7? We could go out for dinner before the movie.” Howard looked at me.

“Y-yeah, sure, just um, pick me up from school, and drop me off from school, I have to go somewhere after.” I said.

“Okay...” He sounded curious about why I asked him to do that, but he knew better then to ask why.


From school, I rushed straight home and up into my room. I didn’t bother saying hi to Gabe or Monica, I was still mad they didn’t tell me why they were at Carlisle’s house.

I picked dark pair of jeans and a white & black T-Shirt from my closet. It didn’t look perfect for a date, so I got a white scarf to add.

I straightened my hair; it had gotten a bit messy at school. I washed my face, hoping the contacts (or so I though) would fall out but they didn’t, even when I tried to take them out with my fingers.

None of the hair dye came out either; then again, I didn’t do much to get it out.

I fixed my make-up, but over all it was okay the way it was.

I had some extra time, so I just did some homework. I managed to get it all done too.

By the time I finished it was six thirty. I practically destroyed my room looking for my wallet and a decent jacket, since it was more then a little breezy outside. I finally found my wallet and a decent grey hoodie.

On the way out, Monica tried to greet me, but I ignored her by holding my keys while putting on my shoes, good enough way to focus on standing still when one foot was balancing all my body weight.

By the time I got to school, Howard was already waiting.

“Sorry I’m late.” I apologized, I couldn’t think of a good enough excuse.

“You’re not late, I’m just early.” He laughed.

“Oh haha, I assumed since you said 7...”

“It’s okay.” He smiled and led me into his car. It was silver, and looked beaten up, but it was still relatively new.

We went to the mall and had dinner at some restaurant, it was too fancy to be in a mall, but I didn’t mind.

“Hi, I’m Carly, what can I get for you?” She asked.

“I’ll have root beer.” Howard said.

“I guess water.” I said.

“Coming right up.” She smiled at us, the same fake smile all waitresses dying to go home give you.

We ended up ordering nachos. I didn’t eat much, but I still ate.

“What’s up with you Cassie? You barely ate.” He asked.

“Nothing, I ate.” I forced a smile.

“Yeah, like less than a quarter of the nachos!” He laughed.

“Haha, I guess I’m just, not that hungry...” I looked at my shoes.

“I can take you home if you—.” He started.

“N-no! It’s okay, I’m fine.” I reassured him, I didn’t want to go.
“Okay.” He chuckled. We walked across the mall to the movie theatre and made it just in-time for the 7:40 show.

During the movie, I felt Howard snake his arm around my shoulder. I didn’t object, but it didn’t really feel right to me.

After the movie ended, he took me back to school, as I got out of the car he did too.

“I had a good time today, thanks.” I smiled warmly at him.

“Me too...” He trailed off. He leaned in close to me and kissed my lips softly.

It was sweet, and cute, but still didn’t feel just right.

“C-cya tomorrow Cassie!” He waved bye and got into his car.

“Bye.” I smiled and waved.

I sighed and got in my car. Time to see Carlisle.

I though a lot about the date during the car.

It was a cute date, he’s really sweet and nice, but there’s something about him. I feel like the only reason I went out with him today was to not hurt his feelings, he seems so sensitive to me for some reason...

But mostly, I was wondering why Emmett looked pissed off at me today. I though about how black and hard his eyes were, they were burning a hole through me.

Could he be jealous?