Sequel: Ginny-Ella

Romeo Take Me

We were both young when I first saw you...

My name is Juliet Caperson. My father is the governor of Wisconsin. His official name is Governor Robert Caperson. Sound familiar? Honestly, I’d be a little worried if his name didn’t sound familiar. He is one of the top picks for Republicans who should run for president. And seeing where he is now, there is no doubt that he will be the Republican candidate. If you ask him or any of the other Republicans, they’ll all tell you that he’s America’s top pick for president.
Honestly, I don’t think that he is. Governor Christopher Montgomery, the governor of Tennessee, is just as famous as he and just as favored by America. Of course, my father thinks that Gov. Montgomery should just drop out now so he won’t have to deal with the disappointment when he loses. In an interview with People, Gov. Montgomery said the same thing about my father. Then he talked about how he would make the best president, blah blah blah.
Politicians make me sick.
It’s all about them them them. I thought that the president of the United States’ top priority was supposed to be the well-being of the country. Ha, yeah.

One night this spring, my dad decided to have this big, fancy shmancy dance thing. And invite everyone. It wouldn’t be so bad, but my dad told me I had to get dressed up and come and mingle with people. Urgh. I like being anti-social. It’s part of who I am. My dad just doesn’t get it. When I try to tell him, he just pats my head and says, “It’ll be different when you’re first daughter.” AUGH! He also doesn’t listen to me when I try to tell him that his running for president will totally ruin our family life. Well, I bet he ignores that because we don’t have a family life. My mom left when I was little, and my dad hired a nanny, Catherine, for me. I loved her so much, she was my best friends for years. Then my dad announced that they had been secretly dating and were now getting married. Fan. Freaking. Tastic.
Finally, the night the whole house, excluding me, had been looking forward to arrived. Catherine came up to my room with a towel in her hair and a smile on her face.
“Hey, Jules. Ready to get ready?” She said with a huge smile. And her smile wasn’t the only huge thing in my room. Catherine was pregnant and looked like she was about to pop. I was so not looking forward to having a baby brother or sister. And my dad! What on earth was he thinking! He wanted to be president, but his wife was about to have a kid! The poor kid would be raised in the white house. It sucked enough that I might have to finish up my high school years with the spotlight on me, but going through your childhood that way? Major suckiness.

“Jules?” Catherine repeated tilting her head. “Are you ready to get ready?”

Oops. I hadn’t realized that I looked like I wasn’t paying attention.
“Um, yeah. I guess.” I answered her. Although she wanted to be, she was not my mom.
Catherine’s face lit up.
“Oh! I have a surprise for you!” She said with a teasing smile on her face.
A surprise? Oh, joy. She knows I hate surprises! I had told her when she was my nanny and she had totally understood. She was always careful not to surprise me.
Catherine had a big, goofy smile on her face as she walked to my closet and opened it.
“Ya ready for this babe?” She asked with her big smile.
“Tada!” Catherine pulled a big white bag out of my closet.
Oh. Great. Catherine had gone shopping for me.
“Drumroll, please!” Catherine said, as she started to unzip the bag.
I wasn’t giving her any drum roll.
“Voila!” Catherine cried as she pulled the dress out of the bag with a flourish.
Wow. Just, Wow.
It was a dress that I, Juliet Anne Caperson, Emo extraordinaire, would wear!
It was a short black dress with green swirly things at the bottom!
Then it hit me.
This was the dress I had seen with Catherine when she was still my nanny and begged for. I never got it. I couldn’t believe that Catherine remembered it!
I was so shocked that I did something I never ever did.
I squealed.
Then I launched myself at Catherine and hugged her.
I’m not a hugging person. But, there I was. Hugging the person I thought was my least favorite person in the world.
Catherine looked as shocked as I was that I was hugging her.
Quickly I pulled away.
“Catherine, I can’t believe you remembered how much I wanted this dress!” I gasped as I took the dress from her.
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t remember!” Catherine exclaimed with a twinkle in her eye,
All of the sudden, my giddiness deflated.
“Wait… What’s dad gonna say when he sees me wearing this? He’s not gonna be happy!
“Well, I asked if I could buy a dress for you a couple of days ago, and he agreed. I think he assumed that I would buy you a big puffy ballgown, but I remembered this dress and knew you’d love it. So, we’ll just tell him the truth. That I didn’t realize that this was a formal ball.” Catherine winked.
Have I mentioned how much I love her!
Catherine laughed, “Come on now, Jules, let’s get you dressed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I got this idea listening to Love Story by Taylor Swift. :)

My playlist:

Love Story - - Taylor Swift
Misery Business - - Paramore
In my place - - Coldplay
Sounds So Good - - Ashton Shepherd
Bob That Head - - Rascal Flatts