Sequel: Ginny-Ella

Romeo Take Me

It's A Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes

I sat in the maternity section of St. Michael’s hospital, looking through a very old copy of People magazine. Every few minutes, I looked up, hoping to see my dad.
Ring! Ring!
My hand flew to my pocket. I pulled my phone out and saw it was Ginny calling.
“Gin?” I said as I answered the phone.
“Hey, Jules!” I heard Ginny gush, “I had SUCH a great time at your party last night! I met a great guy…”
“That’s great, Ginny!” I exclaimed, “I’m so happy for you.”
I heard Ginny laugh girlishly, “Thanks. So, what are you up to?”
“I’m at the hospital.”
“Oh, you’re… wait, what? What happened?” Ginny gasped.
I grinned, “Catherine’s water broke!”
“Oh, that’s so exciting!” Ginny gasped, “Can I tell Sarah and Alice?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” I said, unscrewing the top of my coke.
“Can I stop by?” Ginny gushed, “Can I come see you? And hang out and wait with you?”
I laughed inside, “Sure, Gin. But I haven’t seen or heard anything yet.” Ginny wasn’t listening. She was still gushing.
“Oooh! I wonder if it’s going to be a girl or a boy! I hope it’s a girl! You and I will have so much fun styling her hair! Ooh! Or a boy! You can teach him to play guitar, Jules!’
I laughed, “Gin, I gotta go. But I’ll call you ASAP, ‘kay?”
“Oh, no need. I’ll tell Jordyn I’m on my way to see you! Bye!”
I sighed and slid my phone shut.
“Juliet Caperson?” A petite, nervous looking nurse was standing in the doorway.
I threw the magazine that was telling me about JLo and Ben Affleck’s breakup to the side and jumped to my feet.
“Yeah, that’s me.” I said as I rushed up to the nurse.
“Um, my name’s Gia. Your father requested I come and tell you that your stepmother and the babies are doing just fine.”
“Wait, babies?” I asked, my mouth dropped open.
“Yes, your stepmother had quintuplets.”
I felt my legs begin to shake. Quintuplets? That’s…. five babies!
“Oh, my gosh.” I gasped as I felt my way to a chair and collapsed in it.
“Would you like to see your new siblings and your stepmother?” Gia asked, looking nervous.
I looked up and nodded. I didn’t want to open my mouth, because I was afraid I was going to throw up.
I stood up and she held open the door for me. With my legs shaking, I followed Gia through the maternity section.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey ya'll!!

Please pray for my bestest friend Emalee's grandpa. Pweeze?

Also, Emalee's story, Currently Untitled, is taking a break. It'll be back soon! And if you haven't read it, go. Now. Shoo.

Reviews make me SMILE!