Sequel: Ginny-Ella

Romeo Take Me

So I Sneak Out To The Garden To See You

After what seemed like hours, Gia stopped in front of a door.
“Um, yeah.” She said, looking nervous, “You can go in if you want.”
I nodded, afraid to open my mouth.I pushed the door open, excited and nervous to go in.
“Jules!” A perky voice squealed. It couldn’t be Catherine, because she had totally just given birth to five kids and she couldn’t sound perky.
Wait. I take that back.
Catherine was lying in a hospital bed (I noticed that it looked just like the ones they used in House!) with three pink bundles surrounding her. My dad was sleeping in a chair in the corner with two little blue bundles in his arms.
“Catherine!” I squealed, finally collecting myself. I ran to her bed, “Quintuplets! How did the doctors miss that in the ultrasounds?”
“They didn’t.” Catherine said sheepishly, “Your dad and I knew they were sextuplets, we just didn’t want to tell you.”
“Oh.” I said, “Wait, sextuplets?” I asked, “The nurse said they were quints!”
Catherine’s happy face fell, “Oh, um, yeah. They were sextuplets, but we lost one of the girls. There were four girls and two boys.”
I felt my insides drop. Normally, I would be happy that I didn’t have six new babies in the house, but for some strange reason, I wanted to cry.
“I’m sorry.” I said.
“Yes, it’s very sad.” Catherine said slowly. She looked like she was fighting tears, too.
Then her face lit up, “Would you like to meet your new sisters and brothers?”
“Yes!” I said.
Catherine gestured to the three bundles that surrounded her, “These are your sisters,” She pointed to the one lying to her right, “This is Elisabeth Isabelle,” She pointed to the one lying on her legs, “This is Ariana Emilee,” and to the one on her left, “And this is Madison Leila. We named the little girl who died Claire Hailey.”
She pointed to my dad and cleared her throat, “Your dad is holding the boys. Their names are Liam Justin and Thomas Zane.”
I bent down to look at Elisabeth’s face. She was asleep, but she woke up when I bent down. Her little face scrunched up and she began to scream.
Catherine chuckled, “Bethie likes to be held all the time. Why don’t you pick her up, big sister?”
I smiled at the name and took Elisabeth into my arms. She was so tiny, but she was screaming so loudly.
“Hi there, Elisabeth.” A grin creeping onto my face, “I’m your big sister, Juliet. You are soo pretty. Just like your mommy. We’re going to have so much fun when you get bigger.”
And I knew then, we really were.
♠ ♠ ♠


Anyway, I have decided I cannot continue "The Journal" due to personal problems. I have deleted it. It had no subscribers or comments, So I doubt it will be missed.