Sequel: Ginny-Ella

Romeo Take Me

Little Did I know, That You were Romeo, You were T

“He’s Romeo Montgomery, Governor Christopher Montgomery’s son.”
Of course he was. It only made sense. I should’ve expected it. But, Lynn’s words still made me feel sick to my stomach.
“Um, I need some air.” I gasped and I stumbled away from my friends.
I pushed open the double doors that led out to the balcony and gulped in the fresh air.
I turned around. It was Ginny coming to check on me. Although all of my friends cared about me deeply, Ginny was the most caring. If anyone was unhappy, she made it her mission to make them happy again. Deep inside, I really hoped that Ginny would find some happiness soon. Her dad died a few years ago, and her stepmom and sisters give her hell.
“Jules? You okay?” Ginny asked around.
I took a deep breath, “I don’t know, Gin. I don’t know.”
Ginny walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder, “What are you going to do?” She asked softly.
I snorted, “I don’t know!”
Ginny playfully punched me in the shoulder, “Do my ears deceive me? Did Juliet Caperson just say she knows not what to do?” She said in an overly dramatic voice.
I couldn’t help but smile.
“No, seriously Jules. Something like this never has stopped you before. Why are you going to let you stop you now?
She had a point.
“And this is your Romeo! The one you’re going to commit suicide for!” She interrupted me.
“Not helping, Gin.” I muttered.
“Oh, sorry. You know how much I love that story!”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
“Really Jule. You’re not going to let the little fact that your true love is the son of your dad’s mortal enemy.”
“Okay, I’m stopping.”
I thought about what she said. She was right. I never would let that stop me before now. Why was I going to let it stop me now?
I wasn’t.
“Thanks Gin. I owe ya.” I said, giving Ginny a big squeeze.
“Woah, and you just told me to stop what I was doing. But it worked! HA!” Ginny cried triumphantly.
I rolled my eyes and walked to where Romeo was standing with his posse.
♠ ♠ ♠


It’s Not Supposed To Go Like That- - Rascal Flatts
The Wizard And I- - Wicked
All or Nothing- - O-Town