Driver's Seat


The very instant Jamie looked over at Lee, he could already tell something was about to happen. Lee was sitting there, seatbelt casually thrown off, mischievous look in his eyes that only matched his cat like features too well. His bottom lip was sucked between his teeth, almost hiding the smile that peeked out at the edges.

"What are you looking at?" he asked softly, trying his hardest to focus on the road. It was nearly midnight and although the streets were almost abandoned, he didn't dare let himself get distracted. He should have listened to Ian, should have stayed the night, but the thought of having to listen to him and Sean play Scrabble until the sun came up was not an appealing one. So him and Lee had high tailed it while they still had their sanity left, leaving Aled and Rhys to watch the two singers progressively lose their clothing.

"Nothing," Lee murmured, letting his gaze drift out to the window, where there was only darkness as they passed by a field. There was still a smirk plastered to his face, yet as much as Jamie wanted to pursue the issue, he forced himself to watch where he was going. Home was only ten minutes away and then, he'd finally be able to pay Lee back for all the teasing he'd been doing at the party.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, he nearly jumped off the seat, heart racing from the shock of only being mere centimeters away from Lee, who had silently slunk over to rest on the console between the seats. The grin that had been hiding before was now out in full force, a perfect companion to the mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Lee, what are you doing?" he asked, jumping again as he felt Lee's hand brush against his upper leg. Lee only giggled and unbuckled Jamie's seat belt, smirking at the absolutely classic expression on his boyfriend's face.

"How good are your driving skills?" he asked, biting down playfully on Jamie's earlobe. His hand came up and rested on the inside of Jamie's thigh, one finger lightly ghosting up and down the fabric that was appearing to become tightly stretched underneath his touch. Eyes staring straight ahead, Jamie tried his hardest to deny his bodies urges, knuckles turning white from the strength he was gripping the steering wheel.

"Lee," he hissed in what he hoped was a mildly threatening voice. "Sod off, we're almost home."

"But Jamie..." Jamie inwardly groaned as Lee crawled even further over, his knee practically resting on the driver's seat. "I've been waiting for you all night..." Beads of sweat were starting to form on Jamie's forehead as he used every ounce of will power he possessed to resist pulling the damn car over and dragging Lee into the damn backseat.

But it was a losing battle; the faint clink as his belt was undone echoed throughout the car, taunting him with the knowledge that he could already see the lights of town and yet Lee couldn't hold his hormones in check for another five minutes. This wasn't the first time he'd pulled a stupid stunt along these lines but nothing had ever been remotely this dangerous; they could fucking die from this.

"Jamie, just watch the road and it'll all be fine." As much as he wanted to resist, that option had left him long ago when he'd first allowed Lee to touch him. The first buildings on the outskirts of town started to go by and he risked pressing down on the gas a little harder, trying to get home as fast as he possibly could.

By now, Lee had unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers and was working his hand down into his boxers, his fingers lightly grazing over the sensitive skin. His lips started trailing further down Jamie's neck before disappearing all together, making Jamie sigh with relief as the sensations his hand had been creating vanished as well. Maybe his boyfriend had finally come to his senses.

That notion was disregarded when he felt something warm and wet abruptly touching his erection, flicking lightly before disappearing again. A quick glance downwards revealed what he'd suspected; Lee's head in his lap, only his hair visible as his mouth went about doing things that were, for once, not wanted.

"Lee, holy shit," he hissed, the words coming out as more of a praise than a scolding. He gripped the wheel even tighter, his fingers causing grooves in the leather. On all sides, he could see the lights of those shops that were open late flashing by, each one signaling that home was only a few blocks away. There was no traffic on the road as far as he could see, although a few teens were loitering about on the sidewalks, most with cigarettes jammed between their lips.

For only the briefest of moments, he allowed his hands to come off the wheel and grip Lee's hair tightly, tentative moan escaping his lips as his eyes stubbornly drifted shut, his body floating into a state of utter bliss.

One moment was all it took to change everything.

The impact came first, immediately followed by the hollow sounding thud as the wheels ran over the body twice more. There was a rather muffled noise as Lee gagged, not used to such a forceful intrusion. Even as he sat up quickly, nearly banging his head off the roof, he was still coughing, holding his throat slightly.

"Jamie... did we just hit someone?" he asked, voice barely louder than a whisper as he looked out the back window of the car. There was a small crowd gathering in the middle of the road, just staring down at the pavement.


"Lee, just sit the fuck down." Without questioning Lee immediately threw his seat belt back on, bringing his knees up to rest on the dashboard. A deep silence fell between them both, broken only when the house the two shared loomed in front of them.

"We're not going to speak of this to any of the guys, okay?" Jamie said, hands still gripping the steering wheel. "You're going to go inside, call up Ian and tell him we got home, and I'm going to get rid of the car. Okay?" After waiting for nearly half a minute for an answer and only getting quiet whimpers, he leaned over and smacked Lee across the face, wincing at the harsh noise upon impact. Lee immediately fell silent, one hand going up to cradle his soon to be bruised cheek. Jamie had only struck him a few times before and each time was only because he really deserved it.

"Okay," he whispered, fumbling with his seat belt. "Call me if you need a ride home." And with that, he was gone, tripping up the front steps, hands shaking as he searched for the spare key in the dark.

Off in the distance, they could both hear sirens.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to everyone over on the TBO/KIGH/LP threads... you all know who you are, and I hope you enjoyed my first foray into the Welshie world.
