The Tale of Epicness

The explanation is simple: write me a one-shot of fifty-five words; no more, no less.

I suggest you enter, because it's not like I'm asking you to write something very long. It might be relatively easy, in fact.

Your entry can be about anything, from romance to horror to just some random drabble.

What I'll be looking for is:
Good flow.
Good storyline that is summed up in fifty-five words.
Correct grammar and spelling.

1. Obviously no pre-written stuff.
2. No smut.
3. Fan fictions are allowed, but I'd assume that they'd be difficult.
4. Try to maintain proper grammar and spelling. (Unless lack of punctuation is necassary for mood of story, stuff like that, etc.)

PM the links to your entries to me.

Deadline by: January 17th.

First place - Three story reviews; one for your entry and two other random ones.
Second place - Two reviews; one for your entry and one for a random one.
Third place - A review for your entry.

Each review for your entry will be in-depth. The extra reviews will be less in-depth.

Each entry that is submitted will recieve a comment.

I really hope I get some entries, and good luck to anyone who enters!

No matter how shitty this is, I had fun writing it :D
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