Sequel: You Again!

Things Aren't Always As They Seem

Hello Again

!*!* Dawn's POV

"We have to knock them out and run," I replied and Will looked at me but nodded. She wouldn't kill Nick just hurt him a little.

We snuck down the hall and I heard footsteps coming. Then they stopped," Why can't we just keep them here?" One voice asked.

'Because it's wrong to Nick!" Bill said. I knew the voice.. We crept down stairs..

"Then what do we do? hm?" Nick asked.. I looked at Will and she nodded.. I heard the guys split up and I glanced around the corner. I saw Nick disappear in the room meaning Bill was in the kitchen still.

"Will. nick's in a study or den type thing,' I replied and told her which door he went in and she slipped down the hall silently.. I walked quietly into the kitchen and Bill had his back turned..

If I tackle him into that wall. It should knock him out. I angled myself then ran silently and tackled Bill. He was surprised and he hit the wall. But his back hit not his head, Damn it!

"Hello again," Bill said and I gritted my teeth. He smirked as I tried to hit him but he caught my hand then the other and picked me up..

'Put me down!" I yelled but he didn't. He carried me up stairs into a different room and I struggled so he pinned me down..

"I'm only doing this so you won't hurt yourself!" he stated and I glared up at him.. He pinned my arms and legs down a little harder and I twisted trying to get free..

'What do you want?" I asked.. I hope Will and Jamie got away, I thought.
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