Sequel: You Again!

Things Aren't Always As They Seem

Goodbyes and Hellos

~!~!~ Dawn's POV

I was packing. get it. I was sick and tired of this stupid little town and stupid ex boyfriends breaking promise after promise. I won't hurt you? You did.. Won't cheat. You do!

i thought angerily then threw my clothes in another suitcase. We already had everything over at the Villa except for clothes and shoes.

I decided I'll call Willow.

Dawn:I'm leaving. You?
W:Still packing.
D:Ok. See you later. Bye!
W: Bye.
D: Bye

I hung up and sighed then smiled. Almost home free. I didn't feel bad about leaving.. Not one bit.

I finished packing and smiled. I carried my bags out to my car as my mom cried, my dad glared. I didn't care. He was upset that I wasn't oging to marry Richard, a millionare, and get him cash..

"Baby. Come back. i don't want you to go," Mom cried as I sighed..

"Mom. I'm moving with Will. Nothing you can say is going to make me stay," I replied and got into my car.

"What are we going to tell your brother?" Mom cried again as Dad huffed.

"He's coming with me." I replied as Jamie got in the car. He was 5 and adorable!

"Where are we going mommy?" he asked. I'm his sister but I raised him basicly..

"We're moving honey. Just trust me," I replied smiling and he nodded I drove to the airport and met up with Crhsita," Hey," I said smiling.

"Hey Dawn. Hey cutie," Will said cooing at Jamie. We put our bags ont he cargo belt and stepped through the metal device thing and got on the plane to Italy.

We found our seats and I sighed," Okay. It's just hte three of us.. I bought the Villa and it's huge," I smiled. Willow nodded and set up a movie for Jamie. She helped me alot with him.

The plan took off and as far as anyone one knows.. We're new.. and we're perfect...
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Chris's turn! We're back! lol Comment :)
