Sequel: You Again!

Things Aren't Always As They Seem

Maybe She Could

Nick's POV~!~!~!

This is so unfair! He can't just boss me around! I may be a freaking vampire that's only a couple years old.. But i'm still my own fucking person!

I growled and threw things in my room.. Not a good way to let it out. But it helped me a great deal..

I stopped and really thought about things..

Bill won't have been so mad if Dawn was in the room.. He's so wrapped around her finger it's not funny. He'd go anywhere just to please her, I'd bet..

I groaned. But Dawn had a point.. I did almost kill Willow.. I didn't mean to! I was just... I had a craving and I let my craving win..

"I shouldn't have let that happen! Now Bill will never let me out of this stupid villa! hmm. Maybe I can talk to Dawn and she could ask.. Maybe persuade a little," I said softly..

I smirked a great plan!

!~!~! Willow's POV

My eyes opened slowly.. What happened? One minute I was burning.. Everything on my body burned.. Then Bill came over and made it stop. But I can't remember how!

I sat up and I saw Bill hugging Dawn.. Hmm. Growing close to Danger??

"Willy!" Jamie said and hugged me. I smiled and held him close to me..

"Why are Bill and Dawn hugging?" I asked him smiling, acting like I was happy.

"Because they love each!" Jamie said with that cute smile..

"woo," I muttered.. was going to kill Dawn later!

*~!*~ Bill's POV

I glad she trusts me.. It's about time! My Ella is back..

I didn't notice Willow had woke up and held Dawn a litte closer to my body.
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Yep.. I'm trying to catch up ;) Comments are wanted please!