Sequel: You Again!

Things Aren't Always As They Seem


**Willow's pov**

I fell asleep about half way to Italy.
Dawn woke me up and we were landing.
I sighed then got up and helped Jamie out of his seat.


We got off the plan and got our bags.

"Hey lets go look around!" Dawn said as we walked into the streets and I picked up Jamie.
"Yeah! Would you like that Jamie man?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded. I smiled back then we got into our new car. ONE of the new cars I should say.
Dawn drove us to this little dinner so we could eat a fast meal. I'm not even sure it's a diner. I've never been here but Dawn has once. But only for like two days.
We got out of the car and walked in.
We sat down and ordered.

"So Willow. Like it here so far?" Dawn asked me.
"Hel-heck yeah!!" I said rememberin we had a little kid with us.

Dawn giggled then looked past my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked.
"Two very hot and weird guys." She said.

I looked over and saw a tall guy with brown curly hair and was very very pale. He looked at me and smiled. I gasped when I saw his eyes were black. Then I saw another guy with black hair that was up like a bush punched him in the shoulder and looked like he was yelling at him. The curly guy looked down and looked like he was in bad trouble then they got up and ran out.
I turned to Dawn.
She had missed it. She had been to busy helping Jamie.
I sighed then started eating.
Then I realized I thought I knew then from somewhere.
But maybe not....
♠ ♠ ♠
It's M's turn!! I am so glad we are back!
