Sequel: You Again!

Things Aren't Always As They Seem


*!*! Dawn's POV

He was fast.. "Jamie get back here this instant!" I yelled but he kept running there was a cross way and there was a car coming.

"JAMIE NO!" I screamed in terror. But he kept running but the guy I saw at the diner came out of a building. He saw Jamie and a car then her ran and grabbed then ran to the side of the street just as the car came past..

I had my hand other my heart. The man smiled and walked to my side of the street and handed Jamie over.

"Here's your son miss," he said and a heavy German accent was noted..

He's not my son.. He's my little brother,' I thought but I didn't say it for a strange reason..

"Thank you." I replied holding Jamie close to me. The man continued to stare at me but I was focused on Jamie..

He finally nodded after studying me. But I looked up and he froze in place..

"Is.. Something wrong?" I asked.. He was probably a kidnapper, I thought.

"n-no. Every thing's fine," he replied with a smile. I noticed he was pale and had dark brown eyes..

"I need to get home. Thank you again," I replied to the stranger and started walking away..

"Jamie why did you run when I called?" I snapped angrily.. Jamie looked at me wide eye..

"Mommy. I never heard you calling. All I heard was feet behind me," he said and I was shocked. I was screaming at the top of my lungs for him to stop. How could he not have heard me?

"Didn't you hear the music mommy?" he asked as we were 4 blocks away from the villa.

"Jamie. There was no music playing," I said sternly.. We arrived home and Jamie didn't say another word. But he leaned his head on my shoulder tiredly despite me snapping at him..

"Will?" I called.. I didn't know if she was out or in.. I didn't get a reply so she must be exploring.. I walked up the stairs since we already ate. I walked into Jamie's bedroom and turned on a lamp and jumped then sighed.. it was just a black curtain moving.. I walked in and set him on his bed and tucked him in.. Then he looked up at me..

"Are you mad at me mommy?" he asked.. I sighed.

"No Jamie. I'm mad at myself.. I could never really be mad at you. Just don't run like that again unless Jamie or I is right beside you, Okay?" I asked as he nodded and sat up. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"I love you," He said and I smiled..

"I love you too. Get some sleep. I'm just right down the hall if you need me," I replied as I let go of him and put the blanket back over him then turned on his night light and turned off the lamp. I left the door open and walked downstairs sighing..

"Hey! What's wrong? I heard you but I got lost," Will replied smiling.

"Jamie. He took off from me at the park, he's never done that before.. and this man saved him from being hit by a car. He was the same guy from the diner.. The one with black hair and dark brown eyes.. He's German.. He just kind of.. stood there watching me hold Jamie. It was very awkward," I stated and she giggled..

"Yes I'm sure.. Well. Lets go into the living room and talk some more," she suggested and I nodded then followed her into the living room..

~!~!~ Bil''s POV

I smelled that blood again," Nick keep feeding. I'll be back," I replied and ran.. I heard screaming so i followed it.. It came from the girl with black hair and grey eyes. Apparently her son ran from her..

I got into a building and came out..

"JAMIE NO!" she screamed and I looked. A car was coming. Just as the little boy made it half way. He STOPPED! Honestly? I ran over and grabbed him and ran back to my side of the street just as the car sped past. I walked calmly over to the worried mother..

"Here's your son miss," I smiled and handed Jamie over.

'Thank you," she said hugging Jamie close to her.. Interesting.. She was beautiful.. and looked like Ella. No.. That was back in to 1600's. This couldn't be Ella.. Same hair, eye, body frame.. Slightly different voice by just a pitch lower. Different make-up.. same beauty.

"Is.. Something wrong?" she asked and her voice was like sweet music..

"n-no... Every thing's fine," I replied..

"I need to get home.. Thank you again," she said and walked off with Jamie.. Ella?? I ran back to Nick in the forest.

"Is your thirst gone?" I asked waiting for an answer...
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's Jamie-Image

C's turn! Comments would be nice :) *hint hint*