Sequel: You Again!

Things Aren't Always As They Seem

What Are You Doing To Me?

*!*!* Dawn's POV

I smiled and walked into my room.. I bought this place last week. I wonder why the owner wanted to sell it so bad and why he kind of didn't want to give me the keys..

But oh well, I shrugged and walked into my room. I flicked a light switch but my lights didn't work. okay. These worked earlier..

I sighed. Okay. i'll just use my lamp. I thought and turned on my lamp but the light burnt out. I rolled my eyes. Oo. Spooky, I thought sarcasticly. Rain started falling and I decided I wouldn't go to bed just yet. I walked out of my room and past Jamie's but noticed his door was shut and not light was in his room.

I walked to Willow's room.

"Hey Will?" I asked as she looked up..

'Yeah?" she asked.

'Did you shut Jamei's door?" I asked praying she did silently..

"No. I didn't know which room was his." she stated and I started to panick. I ran from her room and ran to jamie's door.. I turned the knob but it was lock.. No!

"Jamie! Sweetheart open the door!" I said jiggling the knob. Willow came out..

"You don't thi-" she let it trail...

'Jamie!" I called and hitont he door doftly..

"Damn. I don't have keys to the bedroom doors," I replied desperately.

"Relax. Jamie's fine. The door must've shut and jammed." She tried to calm me but That didn't help!

"Jamie open th-" I was cut off by Jamie's voice..

"But Bill said not too,' he replied..

'Jamie. Open this dfoor right now!" I said but I heard shuffling far to loud for a 5 year old to make.. That set me off. I left the door and went into the room next to his. I climbed out on the balcony and shimmied to his open window and crawled inside..

'Tell your mommy to step away from the door,' I heard the german voice say..

I grabbed one of those pole lamp and swung it so it hit him on the back of the head. The man graoned and I hit him again so he fell. I ran over to Jamie..

"DAWN!" Willow shouted through the door. I grabbed Jamie and unlocked the door but it wouldn't come open Then I pulled and Willow was there I set Jamie downa nd she picked him up then I was pulled back and the door slammed again.. I was on the floor and a shadow was over me..

"You thought a pathetic mortal like you could hurt me?" he questioned.

"Mortal? You're human too jackass," I replied getting up. He grabbed my neck and slammed me against the wall knocking the breath out of me.

"I can kill you faster than a vampire can," he replied holding me in the air for a few moments then dropped me. i fell to the ground choking.. I held my neck then I was picked up. I shruggled but it was nothing compared to the strength this man had. He put his hand over my chest and I felt my energy fade away rather quickl..

"Waht are you doing to me?" I asked weakly..
"I'm taking away your energy so you can't struggle," he replied then took his hand away. My body was numb and I had no energy at all. He moved me so I was cradled in his arms and my eye lids closed...

'Sleep," his voice rang and I fell into a very deep sleep.

!~!~!~ Bill's POV

Hm. Maybe coming into the boys window wasn't a good idea.. I looked down at the girl.. I felt more restless now with her energy inisde me.. She hit me to get to Jamie.. i thought.. But her body has not beared a child..

hm. Maybe he's adopted, i shrugged. i walked out of Jamie's room with her..

'Nick?" I called walking throught he halls with her in my arms.
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