Let The Barriers Go

Too Close

After our little comedic moment, I sat there, still, on the swing. I then, involuntarily gripped the rusted chain and my stomach tighter. There was something about him, that was nerve-racking, it was hard to be around him and not hyper-ventilate. Why?
I cussed under my breath as I realised, I had been gripping my stomach too tight. Ouch! That hurt.
As soon as I let out a gasp, his eyes met mine, instantly, he stared curiously, and I did the same. His eyes were piercing mine as we continued to gaze in awe.

As I quickly turned away, I noticed how he stood there nonchalantly. His very skinny figure was more noticeable now then ever, I don't know how. He was still in his usual black skinnys, studded belt, black and white converse Chuck Taylors and..I laughed..'Bullet For My Valentine' band tee.
He really knew how to dress.

It was at this point I realised I was here, in this park, with this 'Ryan' fellow. I was alone. I didn't know him from a bar of soap. And what was he even doing in this park?
Grr. Why was I here with him?
You know what this kid is really starting to get on my nerves, he's so likeable. I sighed quietly to myself, as a sign of defeat.
There's something about Mr. Ryan Kallar.
I can't quite put my finger on it.
But it made me 'like' him.
I shuddered, as I realised what I had just said.

This is only one of the many reasons,
I despised Ryan Kallar.

Seriously, I'd gone ten fricken successful years of my life, without having to worry about boys, and what they thought of me, cause frankly I couldn't care less.
But this one, normal, stupid...cute..amazingly beautiful...he does have a really cute smile, I have to admit, and his eyes, they just make me...

I can NOT be around him.
I REFUSE to be around him.

With these thoughts fresh in my mind, I jumped out of the swing, and my thoughts, and straight into mid-air.

Whilst daydreaming, I took little notice, and paid no attention to detail, because if I was paying attention, I would have noticed him, pushing me gently.
It was so comfortable, though.
I thought, ashamed.
He's the enemy Sam.
I thought to myself.

Luckily, I hit the ground lightly, due to the fact that he wasn't pushing me too high, so I happened to be quite close to the ground.
I lay on my stomach, and glared at him.
He did not seem startled at all by my sudden reaction.
I supposed he expected it sooner or later. Before I noticed the swing, still swinging back and forth, I got up, right in the line of fire. BAM. It hit me right in the backside.
I saw him attempt to hold the laughter in. He tried with all his might to supress it..UBER FAIL.
He burst out in laughter.

I flushed red.

As I began to head back towards the hospital, I could tell I'd been out here for a while, the sun was three-quarters of its' way across the sky.
Oh how time passes when your having fun.
I thought sarcastically to myself.

I continued, angrily, back in the direction I came.
I walked outside to get some fresh air, and some peace, and quiet.
And I get Ryan.
When I left, I was careful not to look into the evil creatures eyes, I stormed past him in a huff, and then scrunched my nose as I caught his scent.
Familiar as it was, I couldn't put my finger on it...



I laughed.
And then I stopped when I realised it was most probably Ashley's.

As I reached the end of the field, I felt almost bad that I had left him there, no explanation at all.
But like I stated, ALMOST, felt bad.
I contemplated on whether I should go back and say a simple, 'Goodbye.' and my body instantaneously answered that one with a big. FAT. NO.
So I decdided a quick glance back in his direction couldn't do any harm.

Oh how foolish I can be.
It was stupid to think it would do no harm.
Who am I kidding?
This was me we were talking about. I half turned, and there he was, right there behind me. That was enough.

He spun me the rest of the way around.
And there we were, his long, smooth, hairless, pale arms around my lower back.
His eyes were large, his lips twitching slightly. I knew what was coming. And no way!

My eyes were staring into his, and I was sure he could see my heart thumping out the corner of his eyes, because he laughed a little.
I felt rather comfortable in his arms, warm. I wish this moment could have lasted a tad longer, but, all shows must come to an end right?
His lengthy, straight, black hair was blown against my red, slightly sweaty cheek.
(It was hot okay, and his arms weren't helping)

Time to end this show, I sighed to myself quietly..

My eyes darted in every direction, breaking our own connection. I tore his hands from my back, spat him disgusted look, and turned back toward the hospital.

A sigh of relief.

That was way,
too close.
♠ ♠ ♠
how do i join all my ideas together, but still keep it interesting?

Phoebe xx