Let The Barriers Go

New Boy

As I slowly turned to see what Shelly was staring at, I noticed this tall, slim, figure towering over top of me, blocking my sunlight. What the fuck did this person think they were doing? Seriously, no one annoys me more, than those that just don't stay away from me. Everyone knew that, that's why they didn't talk to me. This person obviously didn't know that, so no need to guess who it was then.

"Hey, I'm Ryan." He said holding his hand out for me to shake it.
"Samantha, now do you mind your blocking my sun out."
Shelly kicked me under the table.
I gasped, that hurt.
"What's your problem?" I whispered, knowing he was still behind me.
Shelly cleared her throat, and stood up.
"I'm Rachelle."
she said in her sweet, innocent voice. I laughed quietly to myself.
"But you can call me Shelly."
She replied, after shooting a quick dirty in my direction.
he said, in a rather bored, but beautiful voice.
She began babbling away, and he stood there, trying to look interested.

At this point, I decided I'd had enough of this new guy already. His beatifully, stupid laugh and his hideously, insanely, magnificent voice, was making me sick. So I got up, grabbed my books, and headed off back to my locker. Shelly said a quick goodbye, and I could hear her footsteps not far behind me. As soon as she caught up, she ripped me to a hault, almost tearing my favourite black and white striped shirt. Woah!

This was another one of Shelly's faults. Her anger management problems. I raised one eyebrow as she let go. And she composed herself, and then screamed in my face.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT? Why couldn't you just stay there?! We were talking! And because you walked off, I had to too! I just left him standing there!"
As she said it, I stood there raising both eyebrows. She and I both knew that she didn't have to follow me, and she wouldn't of. I don't even know why she did. She usually doesn't. Interesting.

"Come on Shelly.." I said in a disappointed tone.
"Don't lie. You and I both know you didn't have to follow me. You don't need me there darling." I said, quite plainly.
She thought for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. And then she smiled.
"So..what did you think?" she asked.
I could see the corners of her mouth twitch as she tried to hide the larger smile that was about to appear. It was just waiting for my answer.
"Meh," I replied, bored. "He's just like the other's, nothing special."
It was like my words had hit her smack in the face. She stood there, frozen, mouth hanging open, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Excuse me!" She bellowed. "He is BEAUTIFUL! You cannot say he is like Alex and Damien, and Aiden." she said, turning it into a nostalgic moment, remembering all her moments with these boys.
Shelly was also a "pimpette" I suppose. She loved her boys, and they ALL loved her. I suppose she was planning on making this Ryan fellow another one of her prized posessions. That's another thing I loved about Shelly, she used boys, just as much as they used girls. I loved it!
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I really wanted to call him Aiden, because OME that is a HAWTT name, but not very originall, so i thought I'd use Ryan, still hott, not as original, but still cool. Oh and I used the other hott names aswell ;] notice?

Updates are frequent :]
Don't worry. I'm writing the next chapters as I speak.
