Status: Hiatus. Sorry Guys.

Don't Go, Just Stay


Once I was downstairs, with Garret hot on my heels, I heard the garage door open. I raised my eyebrow at Garret, who merely shrugged and followed me into the kitchen.

“Hey kids, what’s up?” our mom asked from her spot watching TV.

“Oh nothing, just coming down here,” Garret said plopping into the recliner.

I just shot him a look and sat on the couch, playing with the hem of my shirt once again. We sat in silence for a few minutes, only looking up when my father came in from the garage. I looked at the clock on the wall, and noticed that he was home about two hours earlier than normal.

He gave us all a quick hello, before walking into his office to set his stuff down. Once he was all done with that, he made his way back into the living room, and stood almost directly in front of the TV. We all looked up at him, and he gave us a smile.

“How about we all go to dinner tonight?” he said pulling his hands from his pockets.

“That sounds great Rich,” my mom said standing up, “If you and John already had plans Tara, he can surely tag along.”

“Uhm, no we didn’t have plans tonight,” I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

“Alright, well go get your coats and shoes,” my Dad said as my mom stood up.

I looked at Garret, and we both ran up the stairs, and into our respective rooms. Garret found his shoes and jacket a little quicker, and was soon in mine, sitting on my bed, giving me a sympathetic look.

“Gare, I don’t know what to do,” I said as I pulled my jacket on, “I thought I’d be able to tell them, but I don’t want to hurt them.”

“It’ll be okay Tara, I promise,” he said standing up and hugging me, “Now come on, let’s go to dinner.”

I just hugged him back, and made my way downstairs. Our parents had already made their way to the car, so we just walked out through the garage and got into the car.

The ride was fairly silent, only with the few questions about how our days were. Of course, I said mine was fine, and left out how horrible it really was. I almost let out a sigh of relief when we reached the restaurant, which happened to be Olive Garden, and we were able to cut off the conversation.

Once the hostess had seated us, we were left to look at our menus. Garret and I sat across from my mom and dad, and remained mostly silent. After we had gotten our drinks and ordered our food, the conversations started again.

“So, anything new and exciting going on in your guys life?” our Dad asked as he sipped his drink.

“Not really,” Garret said shrugging, “Me and Pat are going to audition for this new band soon, but other than that nothing.”

“Oh really? That should be good for you too,” my Mom said smiling, “How about you Tara? Anything new and exciting?”

“Uhm, nothing really,” I said trying to sound convincing.

Garret discreetly kicked my foot under the table, and shot me a look. I took a few deep breaths and decided that it was now or never.

“I, uhm, I have something really important I need to tell you guys,” I said playing with my cloth napkin, “Just promise me that when I tell you, you guys won’t freak out.”

“Honey, you know we’re here for you no matter what,” my mom said reaching across the table to touch my hand, “Now what did you need to tell us?”

“Well you see, I’m pregnant,” I said choking on the last word.

I heard my mom gasp, and my dad choke on his drink. I looked up to see their faces and they were ones of shock and horror.

“Tara Elizabeth Nickelson, I can’t believe this,” my mom said shaking her head.

“Tara, I don’t even now what to say,” my dad said mimicking my moms actions.

“Just say you’ll be there,” I said fighting back tears.

“Of course honey, we would never leave you alone,” my mom said, earning a nod of agreement from my dad.

“Thank you guys. You have no idea how much that means to me,” I said forcing a smile.

“Does John know?” my Dad asked.

“Uhm, yes,” I said wiping a few stray tears away, “He didn’t take it too well, but I’ll talk to him again in a few days.”

“Awh sweetie, I bet he’s just not ready for this right now,” my dad said comforting me.

“Yeah, I really hope that’s it,” I said fiddling with my napkin again.

“It is Tara, if not I’ll talk to him for you,” Garret said from beside me.

“Thanks Gare Bear,” I said smiling at him.

The rest of dinner was a tad awkward, but not as awkward as I anticipated. Once we left the restaurant, we headed home, and decided to watch a movie.

Once it was over, we all headed up to our respective beds. I checked my phone one final time, and saw that I had a text from John. I hesitated on the open button, but eventually let my heart lead me to opening it.

I’m sorry for walking out on you. I love you I really do, I guess I’m just scared. Call me in the morning and we can talk. I love you. <3

My heart fluttered reading that he still loved me, and I was almost tempted to call him right then and there. I restrained myself though, and decided to just send him back a simple text.

I love you too <3

I quickly put my phone down, and snuggled into my bed, hoping and praying for the best to happen tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know.


I hope ya'll liked it.


And thanks to Allison for giving me Tara's middle name :D