Two Kids, One Love, Who Cares If We Make It Up?


Laying on my back, staring up at my ceiling, I listened to my newborn brother cry loudly from his room. Tears of frustration, saddness and loneliness slid down my cheeks slowly. John left yesterday afternoon which sent me into another one of my little bitchy episodes where I wanted to talk to no one at all. My Mother came home yesterday morning before John left, and it seems like Charlie, my newborn baby brother, wont stop crying.

My parents are stressed; My mother takes it out on my Father, then he snaps at me then I get nasty with Ted who doesnt understand why everyone is so uptight so he's crying because John left. Since Charlie was born, John has been the only one to really pay attention to Ted and now that he's gone, Ted is sad.

Loudly, someone knocked on my locked bedroom door, "Peyton, you need to get up and get your brother some dinner." My father ordered, "I have to run to the store for Mom." He added then there was silence before he banged on my door, "Now Peyton!"

Jumping, I sat up quickly and wiped away my tears on the sleeve of John's hoodie that I have zipped up around me. I got up and opened the door to see my Father waiting there with a stern look on his face. His eyes turned soft when he noticed my puffy, red eyes.

"Are you ok?" He questioned.

I pushed by him, "I'm fine," I huffed then walked down the stairs, "Ted, Buddy what do you want for dinner?" I asked as I looked at him, sitting on the couch reading a book for school.

He looked up at me, "McDonalds." He answered simply.

I sighed then grabbed my keys and shoved my feet into my shoes, "Put your shoes on," I insisted.

Ted smiled happily as he closed his book and hopped off of the couch to fetch his shoes. "Peyton, McDonalds isnt a good dinner." My Dad sighed.

"No," I put my hand up in his direction, "Shut up, just deal with Mom and Charlie. I'm taking Ted to McDonalds ... he deserves it, having to put up with all of this shit."

My Father narrowed his eyes.

"I know things are going to be stressful until we get into the routine of having Charlie around, but until then we're all going to be high strung and Ted doesnt understand."

He just nodded a bit then looked at his oldest son as he hurried into the room, "I'm ready!" Ted said with a grin.

I looked down at him and nodded, "Alright, let's get going." I insisted as I ran my hand through his hair.

He smiled more then hugged our Father good bye before running out of the house, racing to my car as fast as his little feet would carry him. Once in my car and on the way to McDonalds, Ted sighed loudly as he watched everything go by.

"I miss Johno," He whispered.

"Me too, Buddy."

"Why did he have to go away?"

"He went back home to Arizona."

"I miss it there," He looked at me, "I miss our old house. Johno was there like, everyday." He nodded then turned his head so he was staring outside once again, "I miss Jake too,' He mumbled, referring to John's little brother, "He played video games with me when I used to go with you to Johno's."

"I'm sure Jake misses you too."

"Are you gonna go back to our old house soon?"

I frowned, "I'll be moving back to Arizona soon, yes."

"To live with Johno?"

"Yeah, to live with Johno."

"Can I come?"

"No Buddy, you need to stay here with Mom and Dad."

"They got Charlie, so it's ok for me to go with you."

I laughed, "No, it's not ok. You need to stay here and be a big brother to Charlie, like Johno is a big brother to you."

Ted thought about what I just said then a small smile tugged on his lips, "When Charlie gets big, I'll teach him basketball!" He exclaimed happily, "And Baseball!"


"And we can ride our bikes together!"

"Well, when Charlie gets old enough to do all of that, I dont think you'll want to." I pointed out, "But we'll see." I shifted in the drivers seat a bit, "And I wont be gone forever, it's not like you wont ever see me or Johno again, and you'll still have Sean."

"I dont like Sean. He's no fun like Johno."

"He's more safe," I muttered simply, "He's scared to let you get hurt, Johno isnt."

"One time, I fell and he just laughed at me!" He giggled, "Then he picked me up and told me to walk it off."

"That sounds like Johno."

"When is he comin' back?" Ted asked as he glanced at me.

"Um," I started knowing that our plans that John and I have made dont involve him flying out anytime soon, "Maybe in the summer," I nodded, "We'll see."

He nodded a bit then fell quiet. Frowning to myself, I gripped the steering wheel, making my knuckles turn white as I did so. Inhaling deeply, I just wanted the school year to be over, suddenly my need and want to move back to Arizona was just as bad as it was when I first moved out here.

I had forgotten how amazing John makes my life, how great it feels to see him everyday and feel his arms wrapped around me protectively during the night. Waking up to him singing along with the radio and the scent of his cologne, it's the little things I miss the most. I cant wait until spring break so I can go visit him, so we can spend an entire week in Cabos together. It's going to be perfect.


"Hey loser," Jake greeted as I slowly walked down the stairs of my parents house.

I glared at him then shook my head as I lazily started towards the kitchen. I got home last night and when I woke up this morning I felt like shit. Not because I'm sick but I believe I'm suffering from withdrawals from Peyton.

"Hey honey, I made breakfast if you want some." My Mom said as I walked into the kitchen.

I looked at her then at the breakfast she made before shaking my head, "I think I'm just gonna pick up a starbucks on the way to school."

She reached up and turned my face towards her, "Johno are you feeling ok? You look like crap."

"I'm fine, just achy." I mumbled as I walked over to the cabinet that holds the tylenol within it. I grabbed the bottle, popped off the top before pouring two pills into my hand.

"Maybe you should stay home today, just incase you are sick." She went on, her motherly tone a comforting sound to my ringing ears.

"No, I'm ok. I need to get to school, I have practice and I need to turn in my work I did, make sure I get caught up."

Eyeing my skeptically, she went to say something but my Father cut her off, "Oh honey, leave the boy alone." He sighed as he got up from the table with his plate, "He doesnt needs his Mommy babying him."

"well!" My Mom started, "He looks like something the cat brought in!"

My Dad gave her a stern look then kissed her cheek as he put his plate in the sink, "Leave him be."

She glared, "Dont you tell me to leave my boy alone."

"You have another one, go bug him," He pointed out, "Jake probably isnt even ready for school yet, go chew his ass out with questions, leave Johno alone."

She pursed her lips then looked over at me with worried eyes before walking away, warning my Brother that if he wasnt dressed for school by the time she made it up to his room that he would be grounded for a week.

With knowing eyes, my Dad patted my back a bit, "You know you can stay home today if you want,"

"The last thing I need is to stay home, I dont need the chance to mope."

"How's Charlie and Kathy?"

"They're healthy," I nodded, "Ted is kinda jealous of Charlie, they're adjusting to having Charlie around."

"How was Peyton?"

"Clingy," I answered, "So was I, she's fine. She actually is starting to like it over there. I met her cousin that she adores for some reason that is beyond me. I met her best friend, went to the beach, it was fun."

"You miss her."

"Yeah I do."

"You miss her more now, than when she moved." He pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah, I guess I do." I frowned then shrugged, "Graduation is so close yet so far away, I dont know." I took my pills with a gulp of water then grabbed my car keys from the key holder on the wall, "I gotta go, I need to stop and get a coffee before I get to school. I'll be home after practice." I said simply then I left, grabbing my backpack on the way out of the house.

Once I was in my car, I started it up and sat there for a moment before reaching into my pocket, pulling my phone out. Dialing Peyton's number, I put the phone to my ear, listening to it ring.

"Hey bear," Peyton answered.

"Good morning," I greeted, "Did you sleep good last night, ducky?"

"No, I tossed and turned, cried a little, then tossed and turned some more. I finally took some nyquil, that shit knocked me out." She paused, "Did you sleep good?"

"No," I shook my head to myself, "I didnt, I feel like shit," I sighed, "What do you have planned for today?"

"I'm at home with my Mom, I got my work from school, I'm going to stay home this week, help out. Keep things clean, keep Ted busy," She trailed off a bit, "You left a pair of jeans."

"Did I?"

"Yeah, your blue jeans." She mumbled.

"Hell," I mumbled, "Well, I just called to say good morning, tell you I love you and to say I hope you have a great day."

"I miss you," She muttered like she wasnt even listening to what I had just said.

"I miss you, too." I replied.

"Alright, I love you ... get to school."

"I love you, too." I laughed, "I'll call later."

"Ok, bye Bear."

"Bye." I hung up then tossed my phone into my passenger seat before putting my car into gear and backing out of the driveway. I know it's a selfish thing for me to think, but I cant wait until Peyton moves back home so I can see her everyday. The trip was extremely bittersweet, I tried to spend every waking minute with her, but it still didnt seem like enough. I have a feeling that the days are going to go by so slowly, it's going to seem like years until I get to see her next.

I know I'll make it through just fine, but it's not going to be an easy thing to do.