Mad God

State Of Decline

Scared and breathless I ran through the destitute city. The dark alleys seemed to reach out and grab me as I ran by, normally I would have said it was nonsense and that darkness couldn’t touch me, but now I just didn’t know anymore, nobody did.
The oppressive, slime-spattered buildings closed in and seemed to stretch up into eternity. Looking down on their insignificant captive with contempt, a moment away from destroying my meagre life force and sending my soul screaming into the deepest depths of hell.
Hurdling a bench I was suddenly over come with memories of loss, happiness and a altogether better time.
I landed hard on the dead grass, rolling under a withered tree, sheltered from the harsh moon by disease ridden leaves, holding on to their home.
As I lay their, cradling my head I was taken away by my memories.
I remembered when this place was a beautiful spot looking out over the greatest city in the world. Back then I thought the peace of this city would never end. No army could breach the golden walls of Tyr Polis, but it turned out we didn’t need the force of men with arms to destroy ourselves. Leaving a bitter husk, a pale shadow of our former, glorious race.
I remembered a time when this place was an idyllic spot for me and my young lover, we could sit underneath the ancient trees that lined the wide streets of the city, red and gold autumn leaves sheltering us from the suns hot glance.
I remembered running for shelter under their great boughs, when a summer storm passed over head, vainly trying to cover our heads with our arms, laughing and dancing through the summer rain.
Yet I couldn’t remember my own name.
All because of our corrupted, controlling, criminal religion.
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please comment etc... evryone likes feed back :P
also any advice would be appreciated, no doubt i'll get writers block now :D

Gav :D :P