
Chapter 10: Chiming Bells

I looked up at the ceiling with my hands behind my head. My thoughts were silent. I guess you could say I was calmer now. The atmosphere just did that to me. The silky bed that was almost too soft practically sucked me in along with the subtle intoxicating perfume that coated the room—it smelled too good for my own good. The sun was highest in the sky by this time. Since the bed was right next to a window the light shined right in onto me. It warmed my skin in the nicest way.

Out of boredom I put my hand out in front of me in the direct sunlight and wiggled my fingers in a motion that looked like I was playing the piano with one hand. I noticed that when I did that the ring on my middle finger sparkled different colors like crazy. The rainbows blinded me yet dazzled at the same time. Then I realized that this was the ring I had received for my seventeenth birthday. Strange—I could have sworn that when Tammy had given it to me it was garnet, not diamond.

My forehead crumpled in confusion. I examined the little beauty carefully. The band was still silver as was the dragon that twisted around the jewel elegantly.

I decided that it was nothing compared to other stuff that I’ve seen here. It was silly of me to freak over something as little as the color of my ring changing more than half the stuff I’ve seen in this fantasy world that Flutura was.

I flexed my fingers listening to the loud pop of my joints in this quiet room. The silence was almost deafening. I decided I couldn’t take it any longer. With a sigh, I heaved myself off the huge bed and made my way the door. I really wish that they had clocks here. It was annoying having to rely on the sun’s placement in the sky to decipher time.

I thought of what I wanted to do now as I opened the door and walked out into the royally decorated hallway. I deeply admired the warm atmosphere the whole interior of the castle held. The mahogany rug and wood paneled walls made it kind of homey, while the flower filled vases on the tables at each corner made it fresh and natural. When I drew the castle, I never thought to use any references—and I’m glad I didn’t. This version of a palace was so much more unique and fun. It had a more mansion feel to it.

I bummed around the hallway for a couple minutes until I came to a sudden stop at a door. It’s Ethan’s room...

I was then overwhelmed by uncontrollable devious thoughts. Without thinking, I placed my hand on the wooden door and pushed it open slowly.

“Ethan?” I asked quietly in the empty room. I walked into his room and looked around. He’s not here. Just a bunch of papers everywhere, melted candle wax leaked out onto the piano, table, desk…It was a mess—but not the sort of mess that smelled bad and made you want to throw up. It was simply unorganized. Kind of like my room. Okay, that’s an understatement. A lot like my room. I drew all the time so there were always colored pencils, markers, and papers tossed around everywhere. The only difference here in Ethan’s room was the fact that instead of art work, it was composed music on the pieces of paper.

There was something intensely attractive I found about Ethan’s own songs lying everywhere around me. I realized that I wanted to see him now more than ever. I wondered if it was five yet. I am supposed to meet him for tea…

I walked quickly to the door and opened it. I gasped in shock when I saw none other than the beautiful rainbow-eyed Ethan standing right there. He was less shocked than he should have been seeing me here in his room. I felt instantly embarrassed.

“I-I…I can explain—“

He cut me off. “Ahh, I was hoping I’d find you here,” he said in an offhand tone. My eyes widened. That was the last thing I’d think he would say.


“I wanted to see you, Abelinda,” he crooned in a seductive voice that stopped my heart. He walked towards me, forcing me to back up into his room again. I didn’t stop until my back hit the marvelous piano. As I looked down at the white and black keys and the instrument I remembered his music.

“Can you play something for me?” I asked suddenly. “I want to hear more of you music.”

I thought I saw something of a grimace cross his face but it disappeared quickly. He sat down on the piano bench and rested his hands on top the keys. He hesitated then turned to me.

“You know,” he started and stood up so he was now looking down at me, “I want to try something…”

Before I could ask him what it was he wanted to try his arms were around my waist and his lips were crushing me with such fierceness that I could almost feel bruises forming on my mouth.

When he pulled back I turned my head away to breath. I sucked in air like I wasn’t getting enough of it. I wasn’t the only one breathless though.

“I love you,” Ethan said in a some what exhausted voice. He put a hand under my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes—his beautiful sparkling diamond eyes that were now wider. “I love you,” he repeated again with more voice. “Now it’s your turn to love me.” He loosened his grip around me but only to take the tops of my arms and throw me to his bed.

I was completely speechless and not just because I was still a bit out of breath, but because his words were like bells—chiming in their meaning one by one.

He got on the bed too and was over me, his head bent down so it could reach my lips. His hands slid down the front of my dress and started fiddling and undoing the ties in the front. I was too weak and him too strong to do anything. If I wanted him to stop, I wouldn’t be able to.

But I didn’t want him to stop.

The bells in my head chimed loudly and happily.
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Yeah, it was a short chapter. Sorry 'bout that. I just really wanted to get another chapter up.