
Chapter 8: Briefest Moment

I opened my eyes and it was darker. I was lying in my bed, still in my dress though. My head throbbed violently, but I could think clearer now; I wasn't so drunk anymore.

When the pain let up a little I was able to concentrate better. My chest felt tight, I assumed it was the dress. I was still wearing it. I got up and noticed that Elliot was there. He was sleeping in a chair in the corner; probably watching over me. His peacock outfit still on while his mask was in his lap. I quickly and quietly searched through my closet for something else to wear. I found an ivory gown; it was light so it must be for sleeping in. It was also very soft.

Once I had that on I heard a strange yet sweet noise coming from somewhere in the castle. It sounded like a melody of some sort. I went over to my door and pressed my ear up against the cold, hard wood to hear better. It kind of sounded like a piano.

It faded a little, but then was twice as loud, and faded again. Curious as I am, I decided to investigate the scene. I tried my best to get the tight dress off. There were so many strings I had to untie. I had it half off when I slipped and tripped over a chair. I looked up nervously at Elliot to see if he’d awaken from the noise I was making. Nothing. He just grunted a little and turned his head to the side. When the dress was completely removed from me and out of sight I slipped on a silk robe and grabbed the already lit candle that was on my bedside table.

I creaked the door open quietly and walked out into the hallway. I should have put on shoes of some sort. The floor was so cold.

The room where the music came from wasn’t that far away from mine. I stood outside the door and listened. It was beautiful. The melody was so kind and gentle and yet at the same time it was strong and unbreakable.

Whose room was it though?

I opened the door to peek in but it was so dark in the room. The only light was coming from a candle in the room. I could see that the candle was sitting on a piano and as the face next to it turned, the light glistened off their eyes. The eyes sparkled the color of…of rainbows. I gasped.

It was Ethan!

The music came to an abrupt stop. Ethan turned around and saw me.

“Oh, princess!” As he tried to stand up the candle fell of the piano and sheets of paper went flying. I rushed into the room to help him. I picked up the candle and set it back down on the piano.

“What are you doing up at this time of night?” he asked me.

“I woke up with a pounding headache and then heard music,” I answered truthfully.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? It was a beautiful sound. I wish I could play piano.”

He looked up at me and smiled a smile that made my heart squeeze. He seemed suddenly very excited. “Would you like to hear more?” he asked.

“Yes please,” I said to him. We both sat down on the bench and he set his hands on the keys.

“What would you like to hear?”

“Hmmm…Play your prettiest piece.”

He smiled softly and began to play. I don’t know what it was. The music, his kindness towards me, or the darkness with just the light of a candle glow that made me feel a sort of connection with him. So when his hands started to slow on the keys I couldn’t help myself. I laid my hands over his. The song came to a quiet stop but it wasn’t abrupt. The song was merely over.

I turned my head to him and breathed in and out slowly as he closed his eyes and came closer to me. I touched his cheek and gently pressed my lips to his.

It didn’t even last a second though. He pulled away quickly and stood up.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I just…can’t. Your highness, it’s not right. I’m sorry for coming onto you like that.”

I was frozen from shock. “Um…I…don’t mind,” I managed to say.

He walked away to the window. There was no moon out tonight and lots of clouds. No wonder it was so dark. Without looking at me he whispered, “I think you should go.”

I got up in silence and just as I was closing the door I said, “Thank you for the beautiful music.” And even though I don’t know you that well, I wanted to add, I think for the briefest moment, I loved you.

I went back to my room with all kinds of strange yet wonderful feelings turning and spinning and dancing around inside me.
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Originally this chapter was going to be titled "Water Phoenix" and the whole chapter would have been a long one talking about the origin of Water Phoenixes...But I like this short chapter better.