‹ Prequel: Not All Here
Sequel: Atoning


The Yule Ball

Viktor and I had made plans to meet up in the Entrance Hall at seven o'clock the night of the ball. As I puttered around my room, I found myself slightly nervous. Why?

I pondered that as I took a shower, coated my hair in Sleekeazy's, and sat at the desk in the corner of my bedroom. I pulled out the make-up I had gotten and stared at it, wondering where to start.

Figuring it had to be done from the bottom up, I started with concealer, using it to cover the scars that were left from the dragon's attack. Following that I put on foundation, then blush. I stared at the rest-eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick, lip liner-and found myself utterly confused.

There was a knock at the door. I scrambled to put on something other than a towel, then hurried to the entrance to admit them entrance.

I found Susan and Luna waiting, bags in their hands. When I stared at them in confusion, Susan asked, "Can we get ready here?"

"Er . . . sure." I stepped back to allow them in. "Luna, aren't you in third year?"

"Neville Longbottom asked me to the dance," she said happily.

"Okay," I said, accepting that. "What do you two need to do?"

"First, I need to take a shower," Susan said. "Can I use yours?"

"That's why I have one," I said dryly. Susan giggled and moved into the bathroom.

"I need to do my makeup," Luna said, her silvery eyes piercing straight through me.

"Mirror's right over there," I said, gesturing vaguely to my desk.

"Thanks!" she said, sitting at the stool in front of it. I conjured a chair and sat next to her.

"Can you show me?" I asked sheepishly.

"Show you what?"

"How to put on this stuff."

"Oh, it's easy!" Susan said as she came out of the bathroom, hair wrapped in a towel. "I can do yours, if you want," she continued, sitting on my bed.

"Oh, would you?" I asked in relief.

"Sure. Just let me dry my hair." She began a drying spell, but it was awkward doing that to yourself, so I came over and sat next to her on the bed.

"Let me help," I said, waving my wand expertly. "I can style it, too, if you want that."

"Sure," she said eagerly.

"What do you want it to look like?" I asked her.

She dug through her bag and came up with a magazine, which she flipped through until she found the right page. "Like this."

The hairstyle she had chosen was a complicated one, hair twisting and looping around itself to form a mass of curls on top of the head.

It was the same way I had styled my sister Thrasymachus' hair at her first dance, and Beka's at her second.

"Sure," I said hoarsely.

Half an hour later, Luna had her makeup done, Susan's hair was pinned and coiled to perfection, and I was sitting in front of my desk with the other two on either side of me. Luna would help me with my hair while Susan did my makeup.

"First off," Susan began, "you never want to put so much concealer on. Tergeo." My face was as scarred as it had been before I had put it on.

"On second thought. . . . "

It took nearly an hour for them to get my hair and makeup just right. When it was done, she said, "Voila! I am the master! You can look now."

I turned to look and my jaw dropped. My hair was pulled into an elegant bun, but long strands framed my face exactly. My cheeks were pink, my lips were red, and my eyes were outlined in dark kohl. My eyelids shimmered in light blue powder that faded to green st the edges. My scars were completely unnoticeable.

"All right! Time to get our dresses on!" Susan said, excitement coloring her voice. She ran to get her bag, throwing Luna's to her. They pulled their dresses out, and I smiled when I saw them. Luna's was a sleeveless shimmery silver, floor length, with a gauzy white shrug. Susan's was also sleeveless, deep red with elbow-length gloves, and touched the floor.

While we got into our dresses, being careful to not muss our hair or makeup, Susan and Luna giggled and gossiped.

"Who's she going with?"

"I know, right? Totally-"

"Exactly! She's such a-"

"Couldn't've said it better myself-"

"Can't believe it-"

"Who're you going with, Hermione?"

I smiled widely. "Viktor Krum."

"No way!!"

"Yes way!" I said, grinning like a maniac.

"He's good for you," Luna said. "I don't think I've seen you smile before." This was one the rare times she was down on earth instead of on Mars.

"Oh, I need to get down there!" I exclaimed. "I'm opening the dance with Viktor in fifteen minutes!"

"Here. Jewelry," Susan said briskly. She grabbed the earrings I had bought and pushed them into my ears hastily. Luna grabbed the necklace Viktor had given me and fastened it on my neck.

"Thanks, guys. You're the best!" I called over my shoulder as I ran out the door.

"Bets on how long it'll be before he breaks her heart?" I heard Susan ask as I bolted.

I stopped on the landing just before the Grand Staircase went into the Entrance Hall to smooth my robes nervously. Fixing a smile on my face, I rested my hand on the banister and floated down the stairs. When I saw the look on Viktor's face, my smile became real.

I took his arm when I reached him, and we lined up with the other champions. We went into the Great Hall for the feast. The plates were empty, but there were menus sitting where the forks should be.

Dumbledore picked up the menu and said clearly, "Roast duck." Getting the idea, we placed our orders.

When dinner was over, the house tables were flicked to the ends of the room with a casual flick of Dumbledore's wand. I gulped-it was time to dance.

The first song wasn't actually all that bad. All I had to do was follow Viktor around the floor, though I tensed when he picked me up and lifted me. Other than that, the dance was nice.

The rest of the evening? Not so much.

Viktor was the perfect date-attentive, nice, and charming. It just seemed like he was never really with me in mind. He didn't leave my side, unless it was to get us drinks, but it was obvious he was thinking about something else all night long.

When the dance ended and we were shooed out, along with those couples that had just come in from the rose garden, Viktor kissed my cheek. "Until tomorrow, Hermy-own."

"Until tomorrow, Viktor." I turned and climbed the stairs, wishing that night could have gone on forever, despite Viktor's distraction.

When I opened the door to my rooms, I tripped and fell forward. The door swung shut behind me after a few seconds, as it was wont to do every so often.

I went into the bedroom and took off my robes carefully, thinking I could wear them again later. When I was down to my jewelry, bra, and underwear, I turned to go to the bathroom and shower, but I was brought up short when ropes wrapped around me. I fell to the floor, unable to move.

Viktor moved into my line of sight, smirking as he twirled his wand in his fingers. My mouth opened but no sound came out. He levitated me to the bed, then lashed my hands to the bedposts, the smirk never leaving his face. I summoned my power to break the spells, but I could do nothing.

"Like the necklace?" he asked me. "Yes, I had it treated, made especially for you. It vill not allow you to use magic. Any magic. Vich means that, as of now, you are at my mercy." He straddled me, and I realized with a chill he was suddenly naked. "I don't feel like being merciful," he whispered, and ripped my underwear off my body.