‹ Prequel: Not All Here
Sequel: Atoning



The door opened, ending my long night. I looked into the horrified eyes of Professor Snape, dried blood on my cheek, for just a moment.

Just for a moment, before he drew his wand and blasted Krum off me. Taken entirely by surprise, he hit the opposite wall and crumpled.

"Hermione," he whispered, a tortured sound. Then he was next to me, pointing his wand at my arms, canceling the binding charms. I ripped the necklace off my throat, wanting nothing more than to burn it but not having the energy to.

I saw Snape striding toward the opposite wall and contemplating which curse to use against against my unconscious assailant. He raised his wand.

"No!" I cried. He glanced back over his shoulder, murder in his eyes. "He's not worth it, Professor," I continued. "Do you really want to go to Azkaban over that piece of scum?"

"No," he said softly. "No, you're right." He murmured, "Mobilicorpus," levitating Krum. "Can you walk?" he asked me.

"I think so." I tried to stand and crumpled to the ground, legs unable to hold my weight. "Scratch that," I gasped, tears stinging my eyes.

He looked at me. "How much do you weigh?"

"About a hundred and ten. Why?"

"I can't keep two spells going at once," he told me, then tossed me my robe. I pulled it clumsily on, noting absently it had holes and the once-soft cloth now felt like burlap. That took up more of my attention than it really should have, and I figured I was pulling back into my mind to protect myself. Of course-I couldn't manage it when I wanted to, but now that I needed to stay here. . . .

Snape picked me up gently, one hand under my knees, the other around my back. I curled into him, pressing my face into the cloth of his black shirt. I had a feeling his Hover Charm was suffering for his distraction, but I didn't care and neither, I suspected, did he.

We met no one in the halls, for which I was grateful. I didn't fancy explaining to anybody what had happened, though i had a nasty inkling Dumbledore, at the very least, would want to know.

I heard a woman gasp and felt a soft bed underneath me before I lost the battle with the black around my vision.


"I think she's coming around now," I heard Dumbledore say, a hint of placation in his tone.

"I should have gotten there sooner," I heard Snape moan. I forced my eyes open and saw his face in his hands.

"It most definitely is not your fault," I growled. "The blame lies with Krum, and Krum alone."

"You're awake!" Snape said, looking relieved.

"You're a man!" He looked at me, surprised, and I said innocently, "Sorry, I thought we were having a state-the-obvious contest." I had learned this lesson long ago-to make someone feel better, tease them. They would stop worrying about you instantly.

He was not fooled. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." I stretched. "Doesn't feel like lasting harm has been done."

"Miss Granger," Dumbledore said from the other side of the bed. I had almost forgotten about him. Examining him, I saw the twinkle usually in his eye was gone. He appeared much older than he had at the Ball, and I felt crushing guilt for doing that to him.

"I wonder," he continued, "if you could describe what happened?"

"Now, Albus? Surely now is not the time-"

"Severus, if she waits, it will fester. Remember how she was when she first came here as a direct result of something like this?"

Snape fell silent, and I flinched. When I had first come, I had been a pale form who refused to talk to anyone, leading to my original ostracization. That led to my depression, ending in being in the hospital wing for an accidental overdose of a headache potion. Snape had never been convinced it was accidental. Neither had I. However, since it had led to the diagnosis of brain cancer, he never brought it up, and neither did I.

So it was I ended up talking about it to a man who was at least a hundred years old. It was a new experience; I never had told anyone about such things before. In general, yes, but never had I gone into specifics.


I was in the hospital wing for three days. When I was released, Snape was waiting for me. He led me to Dumbledore's office.

"Why are we coming here?" I asked him.

"We thought it would be a good idea for you to get out of the castle," Snape said. "You're going home."

"Really?" I asked eagerly. "For how long?"

He stopped. "You don't want to be here anymore, do you?"

I shook my head. "Too much has happened in the past four years for me to stand this place much longer."

He nodded, then gave the password to Dumbledore's office. We went up the stairs. Snape offered me Floo powder, which I threw into the fireplace. "The House of those Forgotten," I announced, stepping in.

I spun around, elbows tucked in tight, eyes squeezed shut, becoming nauseated. When I reached the right grate, I fell to my knees and did my best not to puke.

Snape stepped out behind me. I glared balefully at him as I staggered to my feet.

"Herminny!" Jane, the three-year-old girl, cried, hugging my knees.

"Hermione!" Jillian and Tommy called. They were both ten, and hey each greeted me with a bear hug.

I heard more voices shout various pronunciations of my name just before thuds announced their attachment onto my shoulders, knees, or waist.

"I've missed you too, guys," I said with a chuckle. Snape was looking at me strangely-did he think I would abhor human contact because of what had happened? I thought he knew me better than that-and I shrugged back at him.

I was home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. So.

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