Forgivness Isn't Always Easy.

Forgiveness Isn't Always Easy

Time had frozen with the expression on his face, and yet within her it all rushed by in a blur. The fragility of the situation was obvious—she had blatantly pissed him off. “You…wanted to talk?” he sighed. God, those eyes! Those big piercing brown eyes!

“Um…yeah” she was speaking to the floor. A pause.

The edge in his voice scalded her, “…well?”. It was then that she realized the gap closing in between them. Was she moving closer to him? Or he to her? Her lower lip crept between her teeth, then jumped back out as she attempted to speak.

“I was wrong,” she choked, “I…I miss you?”

There was something else in his tone this time? Disgust? He spat the word as if it tasted bad. “What?”

The babbling began. “I don’t know! I just…you seemed so…I guess…I made a mistake. I wish I could…” Her voice ceased to exist when he touched her. Just one finger on her chin, but it was enough. Pure anguish shined through her emerald eyes into his. The kiss was gentle, but the salty taste served as a reminder of her pain. “I love you,” she whispered, “please…”

He sighed, and made his decision.