Not Meant for Me

Chapter Eleven

Pandora's Pov
I gave the scene below one last look and turned on my heels, as I walked across the tower I walked into Potter. For a moment this didn’t exactly register.

"Lestrange." He gritted, walking past me looking the owls over.

"Potter." I spat,

"Shouldn’t you be tending to Malfoy?" He sneered, I couldn’t help but laugh. I wasn’t Draco's little mouse. I didn’t follow his commands.

"That’s Parkinson scarhead." I retorted, he turned to shoot a look at me. "Ooo your looks are terrifying...actually they really are terrifying. Maybe that’s why Voldemort dropped dead." I said, holding back a laugh. He looked shocked at me, "What? Did I offend you? I’ve figured you've heard worse."

"You said Voldemort."

"Yeah I did. Not like the other cowards who 'fear the name'." I retorted, adding quotations with my fingers. "Now I've spent enough time on you, I'm out." I said turning on my heels once more and leaving the tower.

I walked along empty corridor and corridor until I got near the Great Hall. "Must be I’m not hungry...I’ll skip." I turned and walked down into the dungeons, heading to the common room. The common room was nearly empty, I grabbed a seat in a darkened corner, deep within my thoughts once more, I was until...

"Pandora!" Affinity shrieked, running across the common room. I jumped at the sudden noise and shot my head up.


"I need you!" She said sitting in front of me on the floor, her voice full of urgency.

"Spill." I said looking down at her,

"Nott, we've been talking and...And...I won't lie I've missed him...and he was saying he'd forget whatever her name is and we could give it-"



"So you can end up in tears for weeks? So you can stop eating? So you can fall a-fucking-part? No Affinity. You can do better then him, and you know it. Otherwise you wouldn’t have come to me." I snide to myself at the last remark, but I’ve been over this with her before.

"Its just he sounded-"

"That’s the specialty of guys, Affinity. Want me to get rid of him?"

"No." She said wiping away a clearly visible tear.

"Think I should..." I mumbled,

"No Pandora just let it be. Forget-"

"Fine. Take another go with him. And if the sorry bastard hurts you this time I’m going to hurt him." This made her smile, threats do that.

"No, but thanks. I just needed to hear all that again."

"I know. Sit up here." I say scooting over, hey I can be nice time to time.

I told Affinity about my encounter with Potter; she begged why I hadn’t cursed him, I rattled my brain for an explanation. "I didn’t curse him because I had some things on my mind at the time. The curse would have backfired or something." That wasn’t a lie.

"So, I talked to Malfoy earlier..." Her voice faded from my mind; did he tell her I kissed him? Damn I hope not. That wouldn’t be good...what if the school that what Potter meant by 'tending to Malfoy'? A sharp poke in my side brought me back to the common room,


"I said, he thinks there’s something wrong. He said his Drought of Peace affected you strongly. You were acting like Lovegood." She sneered at the name 'Lovegood' with distaste.

"No, no, I’m fine. He is imagining things."

She raised an eyebrow, "Great Malfoy imagining things?" She joked, I laughed along half-heartedly.

"I'm going to go down for lunch, guessing you’re not coming?"

"No you go ahead. I think I’ll...catch up on homework." She nodded and walked back out of the portrait hole.

I walked up the stairs to our dorm, laid on my bed looking up at the upholstered ceiling. "Hmm...Montague wouldn’t be bad I guess...put any rumors of Draco to rest...stop that! There is no you and Draco Pandora! And there will be no you and Draco. You’re just friends and it will stay that has Parkinson and how to foil the bitch...." I was so caught in my thoughts a throbbing formed, "Argh, headache. Think I’ll take a nap..." So I got under the covers, in my day clothes and closed my eyes tight. But even as I did so the scene from yesterday replayed clearly. "No! No! No! And no!" I had a fit to myself, throwing off the covers.

"I know someone who can help me with this." I grunted to myself, running out of the dorm like a ferret from a dog.

"Professor, can you help me?" I ask immediately as I walk into Professor Snape’s office. He looked up from his papers, possibly a little shocked of my sudden appearance.

"What is it Miss Lestrange?"

"I want a...well I’m not sure what I want." I said collapsing in the chair in front of his desk. He put down his papers and gave me his full attention, I caught my breath.

"Well what seems to be the problem?"

"Yesterday, after I took Draco's Drought of Peace potion...I was calm yeah...very calm. The calmest and relaxed I’ve been in quite sometime..." "

That can't be the problem." He inquired, tilting his head and looking me over.

"Sorta...see I...well...I...I ended up kissing Draco yesterday. And I hate that I did! I mean I can't stand it! I can't like him in anyway like that!" I started freaking, loosing control and practically screaming, I got out of my seat in mid sentence of all that, my hands in the air, waving frantically.

Snape got up from behind his desk, "Calm down." He says, not in his normal voice, but a more…what’s the word...soothing? ...Something like that. I sat back down and he walks behind my chair, placing his hands upon my shoulders.

"Now what is it that you think I can do Pandora?"

"I dunno, make the memory go away? But Draco will still have it...give me something to not feel this way....I sound like a nut." I said putting my head in my hands.

Snape tightened and loosened his grip on my shoulders, massage like. I take in an air of breath and release it, closing my eyes and falling to the back of my chair. "I can't really do either of those Pandora..."

"Theres got to be something..." I mumble with my eyes still closed. This felt better then the Peace Potion, then I just felt high.

"I’m sure Draco won't make a deal out of it, he's knows it can't happen, but if this problem increases I will try something..." He sounded as if this something was a very bad last resort. "Try to forget it Pandora." I kept my eyes closed, relaxing to the touch of his hands on my shoulders.

"Okay Professor." I let out a relaxed sigh and he removed his hands. I open my eyes and Snape was back behind his desk. I stood, "Thanks Professor." I told him and exited. I did felt better, like a weight was lifted. Draco knows nothing can be between us....all that made sense...

Draco's Pov:
"Pansy let go of my arm." I snarled at her, she's not the one I wanted wrapped around my arm. Dammit Draco, stop thinking that. Pansy whimpered but I shown no acknowledgement towards it, just continued walking towards the common room. Young said Pandora was there. I had my head down as I walked, deep in thought, when I ran smack into someone. I heard a thud and they fell to the floor.


"Pandora I’m sorry." I lower my hand and help her up. "I need to talk to you."

"Ok, I’m listening." She replies, I still had her hand, I didn’t want to let it go but I dropped it anyway.


"I kissed you, and I’m sorry. But it was just a friend’s kiss. Affects of the spell. I haven’t been that relieved in sometime and you relieved me. So, I thanked you." She smiled at me, and I returned it. The only person in the world I’d smile for, as I’m the only one she smiles for.

"You look..."

"I’m fine..." She mumbles, "I was going to say, messed. Your hair is...have you been sleeping?"

"Oh wha-oh I tried napping...didn’t fall to sleep though." We seemed to be walking extra slow to the common room which I didn’t mind.

Her arms wrapped themselves around me, she caught me off guard. As soon as her arms were around me they were gone. "What was that for?"

"For everything. You don't have to put up with me but you do. As much time we spend together and we don't fight. Never have." She walked through the portrait hole a lot like yesterday, also a lot different. She was in her head but also relaxed. That made me smile to myself.
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Thanks for reading =]