Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

There's a first (or not so much first) time for everything

*Skye’s Point of View: November 21st, 2008*
She hauled ass down the dark alleyway. Goddamn it Star I said inside my mind. I twirled around my cigarette with my small, delicate fingers, staring infinitely at the smoke arising from it. “Bad habits end in bad consequences” said Shayne. I rolled my eyes up to the sky. The man tracking Star then passed us, running and cussing out words into the night. Why’d she have to do this?

*July 1st, 2008 *
“Oh my gosh!” Shayne squealed. I laughed at her and then watched as the bathroom door was shoved aside to reveal Star in her new outfit. She looked absolutely amazing. “Damn girl, if I was not your sis, I’d fuck you” I stated. She stuck her tongue out at me and then plopped down on the couch. Now all we had to do was put our makeup on. “Aren’t you excited?” Shayne asked me. What a dumb question. She is such a blond. “Duh. You know I’m no good at showing emotions” I said. “Right” she said. She walked into the bathroom and pulled out her makeup drawer. That’s right; each of the three of us has our own drawer for makeup and other stuff. “Black mascara or purple?” she asked, holding the two bottles up. “Purple” Star said. I nodded in agreement. This was going to be a great night; I just knew it. We were going to see Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for My Valentine and Slipknot tonight. And we were all pretty close to shitting ourselves.

*2 hours later*

“Gosh” said Star. It was almost time for sound check; we were the only ones there. I was about to piss myself, too. Avenged came out first, and I had the hugest crush on M Shadows, the lead singer. I have since Middle School, when my sister dated the drummer for the band, Jimmy, also known as The Rev. “You ready Skye?” asked Star. “Yeah” I said, smiling and looking down at the ground. Then Synyster Gates came out, followed by The Rev and Zacky Vengeance. “Hello Ladies” said Zacky. Figures. He’s such a player. “Hey” said the Rev. “Hey” said Synyster. “Hey” the three of us said in unison. Johnny Christ then came out and tripped over a cord. We all laughed. “Say hi to the girls short shit, and make sure your fucking bass isn’t broken” said Rev. He waved and smiled and we all smiled back. Then Shadows stepped out. “Hey” he said, looking straight at me. I wanted to die then and there, but I knew Star and Shayne would never let that happen. Unless, of course, they could kill me themselves. “Hi” I said, a little higher pitched than I usually talk. Shayne noticed and smirked at me. “Where are you girls from?” Synyster asked. “Locals” said Star. “Ah, so are we” said Johnny. “Yeah, we went to the same school. Except, you guys were 6 grades ahead of us” said Shayne. “Oh” said Zacky. He was checking out Star every second he could. But she liked Synyster. Shayne liked Zacky. “You three look awfully familiar” said Rev. We all looked at each other and gave a ‘look’. We knew why Rev thought that. . We tortured him every chance we got. It got to the point that when every time he came over to hang out with Kaylee our father would hire a babysitter to watch us. Poor babysitters. They didn’t know what was coming. “Say, how would you girls like backstage passes?” said Zacky. Oh boy I thought. We all smiled. “We’d like that a lot” I said. “Awesome” he said. He threw us three purple and yellow cards with strings that said “Backstage” on them. We all put them around our necks. This was a great night already…
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tell me what you guys think so far?