Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

Old Times

Deformed versions of Matt, Johnny, Jimmy, and Zacky were all standing out there. “It’s just the guys” I said. Brian sprung up and ran to the door, shoving it aside. “BABY!!!” Brian yelled, leaping into Zacky’s arms. “Baby! It’s been too long. I just…I couldn’t wait until tomorrow night to see you” said Zacky. Brian was totally serious looking. “I love you” he said. “I love you too” said Zacky. Brian got off of Zacky and revealed me behind him.
“Skye?” asked Matt. I waved. Shayne was soon behind me on my shoulders. “Shayne?” asked Zacky. “You’re stealing our girls, Brian” said Matt. “Your girls?” asked Shayne, looking down at me. “But…but” said Zacky. “We’re just pulling your leg” I said. Matt was grinning from ear to ear, just looking straight at me. It was adorable, but at the same time kind of creepy.
“Come in you guys” said Brian. The guys came in one by one at sat down in the living room. One of our dogs, Axl, a strawberry blond terrier, jumped up onto Zacky’s lap. “Brian? You got a dog?” Zacky asked. “No, that’s the girls’” said Brian. “We might as well tell them what’s going on” said Star, cuddled up against Brian again. “Okay, well, Star was with this guy at Johnny’s a few nights ago, and he got rough with her. Then today, she was at the grocery store and ran into him. He started coming towards her and I guess she ran out. He followed her to my work, where she had ran to, and started roughing her up there, trying to pull her out of the store by the hair” I said. Matt got an angry look on his face then and pulled me onto his lap. “Matt was there, too” I said, getting a little off topic.
Matt nodded unhappily. I kissed his cheek and immediately his expression lightened. “Anyway, later on about a half hour ago, Shayne and I were in the basement playing guitar hero while Star and Brian were upstairs watching a movie, and just as Shayne was going to go upstairs to make us popcorn, we heard a bang from the furnace room. Shayne ran upstairs and I checked it out. I decided to turn off the light and shut the door, so it seemed like I had left the room. I got into the tornado hole that was made for us and then that very same guy stepped out of the room. I immediately texted Shayne and told her to get everyone out of the house and then wait for me.
I climbed out of the open window, called the cops, and then we drove here” I said. The guys all had a shocked expression on their face. Matt was holding me against him closely, rubbing my side. Zacky had his arm around Shayne protectively. “Well, at least you guys are safe now” said Jimmy. “Yeah” I said. “Oh, by the way Jimmy, these are the Smith girls. You remember them?” Matt said. Jimmy’s eyes went very wide. “Kaylee…” he said angrily. “Yeah, our slut of a sister” Star said. “Star!” Shayne shouted. She didn’t really like Kaylee either, but she was big against any of us calling her stuff like that. “Sorry, but it’s true” Star said quietly. Zacky pulled Shayne against him and played with her hair a bit. “What happened to Kaylee?” Jimmy asked. Matt gave him a stern look, and I cringed. I didn’t really want to remember that night, but I just couldn’t forget it.

“Bye sweeties. We’ll be back around 11 or later, so please, don’t make too much trouble. Your sisters won’t be home until tomorrow, remember” said Mom. She kissed my forehead, then Kaylee’s. My father hugged us both. “Love you girls” he said. “Love you too, Dad” I said. “Love you too” said Kaylee. They then walked out the door; locking it behind them. “Well kiddo, looks like it’s just you and me” said Kaylee. She patted my head and then we sat down on the couch to finish watching Jackass: The movie.
I loved that movie; I’d had to have seen it at least 50 times. It was just so fucking funny. After it was over, we both went into our rooms and had our alone time. I finished up my math homework and then flipped on a Motley Crue CD. I started cleaning my room a bit and dancing around until I heard the front door get busted in. WHAT THE FUCK. I turned off my stereo and got down on the floor. Yelling then started up. One of the voices was Kaylee, of course, and then the other’s was unmistakable – it was Matt Sanders, the guy I’d been infatuated with for months now and a friend of Jimmy, Kaylee’s boyfriend. I cracked open the door and watched quietly. “You stupid fucking whore! Treating my best friend like that, us like that, after all we’ve done for you! Why don’t you just go shoot up again like Michelle and then pass out in a corner!” he screamed. I was scared stiff. Never before had I seen someone this angry. “What I do in my spare time is not your business!” Kaylee screamed. “Yeah, but with the way you’re sleeping with people it will soon be all of Huntington High’s business” said Matt. Kaylee slapped him across the face.
I could see the anger emerging from his eyes. He grabbed the lamp off of the coffee table and chucked it at her. I heard glass shatter across the room. “You son of a bitch!” Kaylee yelled. She ran at him but he just took her head and whacked it against the kitchen table. I heard a thump. Was she knocked out? I lurched my head out the door a little bit to see. Looked like it. Matt started screaming for no apparent reason, and I started bawling. My sister was bloodied and passed out on my kitchen floor and I had no clue what to do. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I kicked my door shut. It slowly opened it up and I threw my arms over my head. “Skyla?” he asked. I nodded and he picked me up. “I am so sorry you had to see that” he said. He patted my shoulder and I just started crying again.
The guy that I’d had a crush on for about a year now just broke into our house and beat up my sister. “Shh” he said. He started hugging me and I bawled even harder. “Why’d you beat up my sister?” I asked simply after about a minute. “Because she hurt my best friend” he said. “Oh” I said. I’d done the same thing if anyone hurt my best friend, Rae. “I’m sorry, Skyla” he said. I nodded again. Part of me was disgusted and the other was feeling sorry for him; for Jimmy. I looked up at him and he stood up. “I better go. She’ll be fine when she wakes up” he said. I nodded simply again and he got up and left. As soon as he shut the front door I ran to the kitchen and huddled down next to my sister. I cleaned up her cuts and managed to get her to the couch after lifting up her unconscious body. I went back into my room and soon called Rae. She was the only one I’d ever told about the incident. I never told Star or Shayne, ever. And I probably never will.
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sorry people, have had a few problems with my Internet and it hasn't let me update :( but i promise the updates will come faster!
xoxo ((Olivia))