Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

I'm Sorry

I was sitting on Matt’s lap still, my lungs not getting the amount of air that they should. I was shaking. He remembered that night now, and he hugged me tightly. I fought him and stood up. “I need air” I said. Brian pointed towards the sliding glass door and I went outside. I sat poolside and just lay down and looked up to the sky, remembering the person my sister was before she became the monster that she was today. She was my real best friend, and I loved her, even though I thought I hated her.
Soon there was someone beside me. I knew who it was. “Skyla” said Matt. I looked over at him. “I wish that I could take back that night” he said. I nodded, just like I had that night. It wasn’t really him I was mad at, it was her, “I wished that you never had to see that”. I sat up and looked at him. I just stared at him for the longest time, just trying to fine the words to say to express how I felt. So that he didn’t feel like it was his fault. “She was my best friend Matt, my sister. I loved her more than anyone in the world. And I thought I knew her. You proved me wrong. I should be fucking thanking you. Now I understand that you had every right to do that. Hell, if I saw her right now I’d probably do the same thing” I said sternly.
He looked down at the ground. “I’m sorry” he said again. I looked over at him as best as I could through the blurriness and tears fell from my eyes. He scooted closer and wiped them aside with his thumb while he stroked the side of my face. “You’re so fucking beautiful” he said. I felt shivers starting to go up and down my spine. “Matt…” I whispered. He leaned in and I could feel his hot breath against my face. His bottom lip brushed against mine, slowly coming full-on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved my body closer to his. I couldn’t have enough of him as the seconds rolled by. His snaked his arms around my waist and pulled my body as close and he could to his. The seconds were rushing past us as we made out on the middle of the lawn. Then, I heard a distant noise. It couldn’t be…cheering? Oh, shit. I pulled away and looked up. Everyone was at the door, cheering and smiling.
I shook my head and Matt started smiling. He was the most beautiful person I knew. His eyes glittered like stones in the moonlight. “Well, they all know about us now” said Matt. I broke from my daze and giggled while I looked into his eyes again. “Will you be my girlfriend, Skye?” he asked. I wanted to get up and do a happy dance, but that would have been a little too much. “Yes” I said while smiling like a mad man. He smiled and pecked my lips. “Let’s go inside” he said. He lifted us to our feet and we went inside, passing through the corral of dumb asses, also known as our friends. After 10 years, I finally got what I wanted. And that was Matt Sanders. Hopefully I could keep a hold on him.
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next ones probably gonna b a filler :( sorry!