Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

Let's Have Some Fun...

“Come on, Skye!” Jimmy yelled.
I was on a team with Jimmy, Zack and Johnny. Thank gosh for us having the only good baseball player, because I can’t throw to save my life. The ball finally had rolled far enough to reach Jimmy, where he threw it back to Zack, our pitcher.
“Take this, Gates!” Zack yelled as he threw a fast ball. I did’t realize how late we’d been out. It was already starting to get dark. I saw the street lights turn on.
“Guys, it’s only the third game, and we’vie kicked your asses up until now. You guys want to call it a night?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, I suppose” Brian said. Jimmy and Star nodded in agreement. Shayne was shivering in her skinners.
“I so regret wearing these pants” she said. Matt and I laughed.
“We figured you did” I said.
“Hey, be nice to her” Zack said, picking up the bats and throwing them in the bag. We all started walking up to our cardboard box and one by one plopped our gloves in. When we picked everything up and got back to our cars, Zack got out a blanket from the Denali and threw it to Shayne.
“Thanks babe” she said. I saw the color rush to his pudgy cheeks.
“Awe, Zack’s got a little girlfriend” said Brian. Zacky smacked him on the arm.
“Enough, Haner. Let’s just head home” Jimmy yelled. He got into the truck and Matt, Brian and I followed.
“See you guys at home” I called. Jimmy revved up the engine and we pulled out of the park, heading back to Avenged’s house.
“So, am I staying over again?” I asked.
“Probably. Brian and I talked about it, and we don’t want you girls going home until we know that you’re all safe” he said. I shrugged.
“I kinda want to get more clothes” I said.
“We can arrange that” Jimmy said. I was situated on Brian’s lap in the back, since Jimmy didn’t trust me and Matt in the back together. Jimmy turned up the radio, and “Lifeline” by Papa Roach was blaring. I banged my head along with the beat of the drums. I then got to thinking, maybe I should take the time to talk to Brian about Star.
“Brian?” I asked. I knew Matt and Jimmy couldn’t hear us; they were too busy singing along.
“Yeah?” he asked. “Do you like Star?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” he asked. “Like, do you want to be with her?” I asked. He smirked, in thought.
“Yeah, I do. I really want to ask her out. I’m just worried she’ll say no” he said. I smiled. “She was pouting up in the bathroom this morning because you hadn’t asked her out yet” I said. His eyes lit up. “Really?” he said. “Yeah. Ask her out already” I said. “What are you two talking about back there? Are you two talking bout my sexy ass?” Jimmy asked, shouting over the blaring music. We both burst out laughing. “Oh yeah Jimmy, we’re talking about how much we want to tap that thing!” Brian shouted. “That’s what I thought!” he said. I could see him smiling in the side mirror. Before I knew it we were pulling into the driveway of my house. “I’ll be right back” I said. Matt got out and we walked up to the house together. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door, pushing it slightly. It creaked open and we went inside.
“It just feels… scary to be here” I said. Matt put his big, strong arm around me. “That’s why you’re staying with us until you don’t have that feeling anymore” he said. We walked up the stairs to my room and I flicked the light switch on. “Wow” he said. I looked around, seeing all of my stuff, and found my bag with a The Used logo on it, and started throwing clothes and other things into it. Happy with all I had collected up, I went next door to Star’s room, then Shayne’s, gathering stuff up for them as well. After I was finished, I smiled to myself and walked back into the hallway, where Matt was standing. “Ready?” he asked. I nodded and we walked back downstairs. I grabbed food bowls for the dogs, and their bag of dog food, and we locked the house back up and walked back out to the truck, where we heard a loud bass and saw Jimmy and Brian banging their heads, looking like total idiots. It had started raining a tad bit since we had gone inside. I hopped into the back of the truck and onto Brian’s lap once again, and Matt got back into the front as Jimmy pulled out of the driveway.
“Home we go!” Jimmy yelled, turning the radio station to pop. ‘Love Game’ by Lady Gaga was playing.
“LET’S HAVE SOME FUN THIS BEAT IS SICK, I WANNA TAKE A RIDE ON YOUR DISCO STICK!!!” Brian shouted as we rolled down the streets. “Brian!” I yelled. “What?” he asked. “You’re hurting my ears, stop” I said. “Oh, sorry Skye” he said, patting my head. I rolled my eyes and faced forward, looking at all of the night life. All of the sudden, I heard a loud popping noise and the truck leaned to the side a little. Jimmy hit the brakes and the truck came to a screeching halt.
♠ ♠ ♠
: 0 uh oh.

xoxo Sully