Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

Hook -ups and Sudden Shake-ups

The show was absolutely breathtaking. Bullet For My Valentine and Slipknot ruled, and Avenged was just plain awesome. Not to mention that they all looked really hot with lights, pyrotechnics, and other effects around them. After the show was over, the three of us looped arms and walked backstage. Zacky greeted us there.
“Hey ladies” said Zacky. I nodded and Shayne just beamed at him. He smirked over at her and let his eyes wander down her body. I rolled my eyes as Star said that we’d text her later. She nodded and Star and I continued on. “Looks like Shayne’s gonna get lucky tonight” said Star. “I don’t know though, I mean, she wouldn’t have sex with her boyfriend of 3 years. Do you really think she’ll give it up for Zacky?” I asked. I slapped myself inside. I knew she’d do it in a heartbeat. For Pete sakes, she has a 9 by 6 of him plastered to her wall. “Let’s go find Matt, Skye” said Star.
I blushed a little. Yeah, I was totally nervous. We grabbed hands and walked through the hallway to find Synyster being swarmed by at least 20 girls. Star looked at me and I smiled at her encouragingly. “Don’t worry sweets, I can tell that he likes you” I said. “Yeah, but, all those girls over there…” said Star. She was so insecure of herself. I felt so bad for her sometimes. “Sweets, just go over there and fight for him. He said he wanted to see you later, anyway” I said. She nodded. “You’re right. I’ll text you” she said. She went over and Syn immediately dropped the swarm and started talking to Star.
I smiled and then felt someone behind me; about to grab my shoulder. I spun around and there was Shadows. “Hey” he said. I smiled nervously. A cigarette would have been good at that moment. “Want to come outside with me? There are less people out there” he said. I nodded and followed him through the sweat-smelling hallways. He pushed open a rusty gray door and walked out onto concrete; sitting down where the sidewalk stopped and the parking lot started. He motioned for me to sit down next to him and I did as asked. He looked at me, his eyes gleaming. He looked so gorgeous, especially in the moonlight. I smiled and looked down towards the ground. “So” he said, “You do look pretty familiar. Do I know you?” he asked.
He lit up and I watched as he placed the white stick inside his mouth. “Um, yes, you might a little bit. I had a sister that dated Rev” I said. “Kaylee” he immediately spat out. Yeah, I wasn’t a big fan of hers either. Last I had ever seen of her was two days after her graduation, about to leave for Michigan to be with her on line boyfriend. Whatever. Now she has four kids with four different dads and barely any money to buy her precious cocaine. I don’t even feel bad for her. “Yeah” I said. “Where’s she now?” he asked. “I honestly could not’t tell you. Last I heard she was somewhere in Michigan with four kids, not one of them having the same father. She couldn’t even tell which kids belonged to who” I said. “Good enough for her, no offense” said Matt. “It does not’t hurt my feelings, believe me” I said.
“So, you’re a Smith?” he asked. “Yeah, Skyla Smith” I said. “Skyla” he repeated. I smiled at him. “You look like you want a smoke.” “Hell yes” I said. He laughed; smoke coming out of his mouth and disappearing into the cool night air. “Here you are” he said. He put his cigarette in my mouth and then lit up another one. I took it out of my mouth and let out a deep sigh, and then glanced at the street. I could not’t believe it. It was my stalker of an ex-boyfriend, Chase. I flipped out inside my head. I then heard the door being thrust open. It was Star. “Hun, we’ve got to get you inside. Chase just texted me saying that he was here and wanted to know where you were” she whispered. I nodded.
Matt got the message and nodded to Star. She shut the door behind her. “Well, we should head back in there. It was good to meet you, Skye” he said quietly. I smiled at him. He then took a pen and took my hand. I questioned as he scribbled something onto my hand, and then saw that it was his phone number. “Call when you have time” he said. He smiled, and he stood up. “Bye” I said. “Bye” he returned. I went inside and I smirked to myself. I just got Matt Shadow’s phone number. I entered it and saved it into my phone, and then called Star.

*Matt’s Point of View*
Chase? Who the hell is Chase? I should’ve known a girl that beautiful had a boyfriend. Gosh… Her wonderful scent hung around the chilly night air as I sat there finishing my cigarette. There was something about her that was so magnetic, so different. Something that was unfamiliar to me. I hadn’t really ever found a true girlfriend since my high school girlfriend, Valerie, took off on a drug run and never came back. She was my best friend, my supposed soul mate. And now I didn’t even feel sorry for her. Now all I’d been up to for the past 7 years was screwing random girls after shows. But again, back to Skyla. She hadn’t been gone a minute and I already wanted to see her again. I stomped out my cigarette and went inside, feeling quite hopeless. She had a boyfriend.

*Skye’s Point of View*
*phone conversation*
Hey, it's me, Skye. Where are you?
In a room backstage with Syn. I'll be out in a few minutes.
Where's Shayne?
Er, she should be around here somewhere. In the backstage area I'm guessing?
That was a total sarcasm moment
No shit. Have you talked to her since she went off with Zack?
Okay then, I’ll call her. I’m inside, alright? By the door.
Okay, I’ll be out soon. Smooch
Smooch right back. Bye
*end phone conversation*

I then called Shayne. She didn’t answer. So, I went back a few rooms to where the booze was being held. She was sitting on Zacky’s lap, smiling and being kissed on the neck every few seconds. I walked over to her. “Hun, we’ve got to go. Stalker Chase”… I trailed off. “Ooh, alright. Way for him to ruin a night” she said. She and Zacky mumbled a few things to each other and then she got up. “Where’s our third?” she asked. “In a room with Syn, talking. She’ll be out in a – oh shit” I said. Chase was in the room now, looking at me. He started walking towards us. “Shit! Shayne, help!” I said. She started running and on automatic instinct I followed her. We ran back into a room and shut the door. Coincidently, it was the room Syn and Star were in.
“Hey you guys. Star, Chase is on to us” said Shayne. “Chase?” asked Syn, looking at us, but mostly at Star. “My ex” I said. “Her stalker ex, that she stole a car from” said Shayne. She gave me a look and I shrugged. “Well, I could get you three out without him seeing” said Syn. “Could you?” I asked. “Yeah, there’s the door” said Syn, smiling. We all gave him hugs, and then he gave Star his number. “See you girls later” he said. “Yeah” we all chimed. We then ran out into the night and into the Tahoe. “Phew. Let’s ride bitches” I said. I started it up and we left, not even looking back.
♠ ♠ ♠
whoa that chapter was way longer than i expected it to be
hee hee hee...
...comments? =0 = )
Pretty please??