Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal


*Skye’s Point of view*
I couldn’t believe I was handling this date better than he was. I was surprised I could even talk. Usually whenever I even saw a picture of him I was at a loss of words. But I’m glad he asked me to hang out with him. A waitress came up and I ordered a vanilla frappucino, as usual. I knew a few of the workers because I came here a lot – coffee was my best friend. Well, besides my triplets and a few other people. “So, your sister told me that you were a trouble maker” said Matt. “Yeah, it’s true. I brew up trouble like no other” I said. “Gone to jail?” he asked. “Not yet” I said, laughing a bit. He laughed with me. “Have you gone to jail?” I asked. “No, not for no longer than a night” he said. I looked down at the marble table we were sitting at, looking at both of our reflections.
I was starting to get a little bit nervous. I mean, I’d had a crush on Matt since I was 10 years old; I’d always been in a cloud of clueless when it came to him. “So you say Kaylee’s in Michigan?” Matt asked. “Yeah, she and Val moved out there six years ago. My mom told me that” I said. “And she had four kids?” Matt asked. “Yeah, she did. And none of them have the same father. They’re like snowflakes” I said. He spewed out a little of the coffee he had just sipped as he laughed, getting it on me. He started laughing even harder. “I’m sorry” he said, laughing still. He handed me a napkin. I wiped it off and he smiled at me, chuckling. “Very funny” I said sarcastically. I took a drink of my frappucino and he stared at me some more. I hoped he felt the same way as I did about him. I had not’t even hung out with him for a good hour and I already felt crazy about him.
“So, do you want to go for a walk?” he asked. I nodded and he stood up. He truly was gorgeous. I stood up seconds later and he took my hand. It was soft and warm; I could get used to holding it really fast. We left a tip on the table and walked out into the chilly fall night. I shivered as we walked along the sidewalk and he wrapped his leather jacket around my shoulders. “Thanks” I said. “No problem” he said, smiling. He kept a tight hold on my hand as we walked, drinking our coffee. We walked to a nearby park and then we sat down on a bench. I sat close to Matt as we looked up at the starry sky. “I love nights like these” I said. “Me too” he said. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. I didn’t want to let go. “I’m going to admit something” he said. “Yeah?” I asked. “I think you are extremely beautiful” he said. He does??? “Awe, thanks” I said. I didn’t know what to say next. “I think you’re fucking sexy” I said. Goodness why’d I just say that? FOOT IN THE MOUTH MOMENT. “Really?” he asked. “Really-really” I said.
He smiled at me and pulled me a little bit closer. “I want us to go out again” he said. “Me too” I said softly. Then I heard sirens, and they were coming this way. Oh gosh what the fuck did I do this time? We looked around and then saw a house behind us. Then we looked to the right and saw the opening entrance to the park. “Fuck!” we said in unison. We got called out for being on public property, I suppose. Damn pansies shouldn’t have put a bench in their front yard. We got up and ran through the park entrance, and then ran back far enough into Central Park that they probably would not be able to’t find us.
“Wow, you really do cause trouble” said Matt, snickering a bit. “Shut up” I said, elbowing him playfully in the gut. He hit me in the shoulder and then before we both knew it we were tumbling around in some trees play-fighting. We stopped knowing that we were acting like complete idiots. Grass and little twigs were all over in my hair, and leaves were stuck under my skirt. Matt looked to have a few grass stains on his pants. “Ah! It’s the monster of the forest!” said Matt, pretending to react like a little girl would. “Fuck you” I said jokingly. We hadn't realized it until then, but our lips were about an inch apart. “Um” said Matt. I could feel the warmth of his cheeks. I giggled at it. He smirked and then made my cheeks turn red. I then thought I could be a total tease and back up, or I could let him kiss me, which I’m sure is what he wanted to do. I decided to go with the first option and I scooted back. “You little tease” he said while laughing. I stood up and watched him scramble to stand up as well. He smirked at me and I started laughing as I ran away from him. He followed and then tackled me to the ground. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked me. “No” I said.
He smiled at me, showing off those dimples that I was already falling in love with, and then kissed my nose. I felt the color come to my cheeks as fast as a bolt of lightning. “I know you like me” he said smugly. I rolled my eyes. “I could easily say the same for you, Mr. Sanders” I said, smirking the dirtiest smirk I could configure. “You’re something else” he said while smiling. He picked me up and put his hand under my ass as he started walking back towards the park entrance. “May I ask exactly what you’re doing?” “Sure, I’m taking you back to your house” he said. “You don’t even know where I live” I said confusedly. “That’s why you’re going to take the time to direct me there, Ms. Smith” he said all smart-ass like. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. Which, I had to admit, was super warm. I could get used to him being with me really fast. I directed him block-by-block to my house and when we got there he stood me up on my front stoop.
“Goodnight, Skyla” he said, taking my hand and kissing it. I blushed; I hoped my nosy sisters weren’t looking out the window. I kissed his cheek and he grinned at me while his cheeks slowly turned to scarlet. “See you later. I’ll call you” he said. I nodded and he started walking away. I walked through the door grinning like a mad scientist as Star peeled her eyes off of her Revolver magazine. “So, how’d it go?” she asked. “Great” I said, still kind of in a daze. I shook my head to get back into the “real” world and noticed that Star had a bruise on her leg.
“What happened?” I asked. “I went to the club, and this guy started getting rough with me” she said blankly. Sometimes that girl had no sense. She had the worst taste in guys, and she didn’t have any sense when it came to them. She picked the guys that like, weren’t domesticated. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch next to her. “Where’s Shayne?” I asked. “She went to bed. She’s got to get up for work tomorrow” she said. “Oh” I said. She rested her bruised thigh on my lap and I shook my head. “How’d he bruise you?” I asked. “He hit me and grabbed there when we were getting a little rough on the dance floor. Thank goodness Rae was there to stop him” she said. Thank goodness for Rae. She, Shayne and I basically took turns babysitting Star. “Well sweetheart, I think I’ll go to bed” I said. “Alright, night. Smooch” she said. “Smooch” I repeated. I walked up the stairs, careful not to wake my third, and then went into my room. There was a note on my bed, addressed to me. I opened it and it read:
“Dear Skye,
Thank you for returning my car. I’m sorry things didn’t work out for us. I’m grateful that you decided to give it back. Give me a call sometime; I’d like to hear from you. Tell Star thanks again for delivering this note to you.
I groaned and tossed the note and its envelope on the floor. I changed into some boxers and a lime green Foo Fighters T-Shirt and then went into the bathroom to wash my face. I removed all of my makeup and jewelry and then passed out on my bed.
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sorry it took a while to update...
