Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

What? Stalker? NO not at all

*two days later*
Again, my phone rang. This time, it was my work alarm. I yawned and turned it off, then headed for the shower. I got in, showered, and then stepped back out, wrapping a towel around me. As I walked down to the laundry room, I saw Star watching morning cartoons and Shayne getting two bowls of cereal.
“Pop tarts?” I asked. “No problem” she said. She took out a box from the corner cupboard and I walked back towards the laundry room. I slipped on a pair of dark denim jeans and a light yellow and black striped tank top and then walked back out into the kitchen, taking my Pop tarts from the counter. “Morning sissies” I said. “Morning” they both chimed. I shook my head and took a bite of pop tart. I savored it – I loved the taste of my favorite breakfast food. “You are too weird” said Star. “Shut up” I said. I threw my shoe at her and she caught it. “I may be a total ditz but I wasn’t softball captain for nothing” she said. I laughed lightly and then sat back down.
We finished eating in silence, except for random outbursts from one of us because we were silently mocking the way one another ate. After I finished the last bite of my pop tart, I stood up and put on a pair of shoes. “I’ll be back later” I said. “Yeah, yeah” said Star. I rolled my eyes at her, looking at the bruise on the inside of her leg again. I looked at Shayne, who must’ve known what I was thinking. She came over and whispered, “Don’t worry. I chewed her out good last night” she said. I nodded and kissed her cheek. “See you guys later” I said. I stepped out onto the sidewalk and then started walking down the street to work. Most people don’t say this, but I love my job. It’s at a Hot Topic in down town Huntington. Most of my other friends worked there – if they didn’t work there they either worked at Spencer’s or Starbucks. I made my way through Central Park – my favorite short cut – and thought about my date from last night. Matt and I rolling around in the fall leaves, laughing at each other. Him kissing my nose, and carrying me through the park…I stopped daydreaming - as I heard a thumping noise- long enough to realize that I had knocked someone down.
“Fuck, I’m sorry” I said. I bent down and helped her up. I brushed her off a little bit and then picked up her purse. “Thanks” she said. “No problem. Gosh, I’m sorry” I said. “That’s fine. You look to be in a rush” she said. She was right – I looked at my cell phone and noticed that I had 3 minutes to get to work. I took a pen from my pocket (I always carried one around) and I grabbed her hand and jotted my phone number down on her hand. “Call me if anything’s missing or damaged. Sorry again” I said. She nodded and I started running down the sidewalk to get to work. I turned a sharp corner and then found my way through a small crowd of people to get to work. I barged through the front door, the stupid annoying little bell ringing in the process, and hopped over the counter.
“Morning, Smith. You’re late” said Anthony, or Tony as I liked to call him; my boss. “Sorry boss” I said. He patted my shoulder. “You’ve been quite jumpy lately. Something bothering my top employee?” he asked. I smiled at that. “Yeah, kind of sort of” I said, “I met a guy”. I twisted my left foot around on the ground as I looked down at it. “That’s great Skye!” he said. I blushed just thinking about him. “He must be really great if you blush just thinking about him” he said. “Yeah” I said. “Well, I have some empty shelves that need re-stocked with the new shipments of CD’s. The boxes are right where they need to be. Just unpack them and stock the shelves. When you’re done with that, there’s some more boxes in the back of t-shirts to put away” said Anthony. “Okay, thanks Tony” I said.
I bit on my lip ring and then went back out to the front of the store, where a few customers walked around. I ignored them and walked back to where the small selections of CD’s were. I found the boxes and started unpacking. I sat on the carpeted floor and took CD’s out by the bundle. Around noon, I heard the extremely annoying bell tingle and I looked up. “Hello, may I help you?” I shouted. I love confusing the customers. The person tracked my voice to the back a minute or so later. “Skye?” I heard that sexy voice say. I immediately started blushing and leaned back to see Matt looking down at me. “I didn’t know you worked here” he said. “Yeah. What are you here for?” I asked. “I needed a” – “SKYLA!” I heard Star yell. What the fuck, is it “visit Skye at work” day? But then I replayed her tone of voice. It was the “oh shit I got myself in trouble dig me out” tone of voice. I jumped up. “STAR?” I yelled back. She didn’t answer. “STAR!!!” I yelled again.
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ooh what happened 2 Star?
we're just going to have to find out in the next chapter, wont we?
sorry it took so long 2 post. and its not that good, but oh well
luv 2 my subscribers ((would love more comments))