Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

Closer...and Closer

*Matt’s Point of View*
“You’re a cute girl, Skye. Well, you’re not just cute…” I said, trailing off. She wasn’t just cute; she was beautiful. I tried my hardest to conceal my blushing. I couldn’t even believe that I was telling her this. I have to admit that I’m absolutely tongue-tied around her. I can never think of what to say. “Matt” she said. “Yeah?” I asked. I wondered what she was going to ask. She looked up at me and smiled. “You have a piece of egg on your face” she said, giggling. I bit my lip ring – the thing that I usually did when I was embarrassed – and looked down at the swirls in the carpet.
She took a finger and lifted my chin with it. She slowly took her other hand and brushed it away. My skin tingled where her touch had been. She smiled cockily at me and then removed her hands from me. I begged for her to get closer, but that wasn’t happening. She started putting CD’s on the shelf again and I watched her. “So, what exactly did you come here for?” she asked sweetly. I shook my head to remove myself from my daze and look at her. She was staring at me weirdly. “I came here for a …a gift card for Johnny’s birthday” I said. Yeah, that had been it, hadn’t it? That and a new Megadeth CD, since Zacky had decided to be an ass and break mine.
Skye jumped up and I slowly stood up next to her. “Follow me” she said. She grabbed my hand and walked me over to the other side of the store, where the cards were. I got him a $20 one and then she lead me over to the CD’s. I hadn’t even noticed that the boxes she had been at before were empty. She sat again and then handed me a Megadeth CD. I gasped. It was the one that I had wanted. How did she know that? “You’re good” I said. “What?” she asked. “I wanted this CD, too” I said. “Oh, really? You said it out loud” she asked. Oh, fuck. Now I was saying my thoughts aloud? I hope I didn’t blab anything else I had been thinking. She looked up at me with those blue eyes of hers. Those teasing sea-blue eyes. I sat down next to her again. We were out of site of everything. I looked at her as she stacked t-shirts onto a shelf. “Skye” I said. She looked over at me, her eyes meeting mine. I was nervous as hell. Was I really going to kiss her?
*normal Point of View*
“Skye” Matt said. He had been staring at me for the last several seconds. I knew what he wanted to do. And I was as nervous as hell. I looked over at him – staring into his honey-brown eyes and I could feel the heat between both of our faces. He got in a little bit closer. His lips were mere inches from mine. They were asking for me. I wanted to feel them on mine more than anything else; his soft-looking lips moving with my own. I broke gaze and quickly looked down, then back up again. He was closer. I moved in and – “Skye I got the new issue of Hit Parader from the front and you’ll never guess who’s on the cover!” he shouted excitedly, standing right in front of us. I groaned to myself and looked up at him. I was kind of mad at him – he had ruined my opportunity to kiss the man of my dreams, but NO things never work out like that. Matt slipped his hand through mine and held on as Mike then brought his gaze to Matt, who was now completely recognizable.
“M…Matt S-S-S-shadows” he muttered. Matt laughed. “That’d be me” he said. I whispered in his ear, “He’s almost as big of a fan of you as I am” I told him. I could feel him shivering as I leaned back down. “Well, um, nice to meet you. I have to, uh, go” he said. He dashed away and the two of us laughed. “Are your fans always like that?” I asked. “Just the skittish ones” he said. I giggled loudly and then I heard footsteps again. “I had better leave you alone” he said. I didn’t want him to go, but I knew he had to. “Alright. When will I see you again?” I asked. “Tomorrow night at Johnny’s bar, 9:00” he said. I nodded and he leaned over and kissed my cheek; holding his lips there for about five seconds. “See you” I said, already missing him. “See you” he said. He stood up and started walking towards the cash register. I finished stacking CD’s and then the footsteps finally reached me. “Hey Skye. You’ve been working hard today, and I’d like to see you go home and take care of your sister, so I’m letting you off early today” said Tony. “Really?” I asked happily.
“Yes” he said. “You’re the best boss ever” I said in a sing-song voice. He laughed and patted my shoulder. “See you on Monday” he said. “Okay” I said. I skipped happily over to the back room, grabbing up my work bag, then went over to the work board behind the counter and clocked out. “Skye?” I heard Tony say on the other side of the door. I buckled my belt and then walked out of the bathroom. “Yeah Tony?” I asked. “Watch out for that guy” he said. I nodded. His look was stern, “Seriously. I mean, he could very well know where your house is” he said. “I’ll make sure that everything’s locked at night” I said. “Okay. Feel free to call my cell phone if anything goes wrong” he said. “Thanks” I said. I walked back out to the front and gave Mike a one-arm hug. “See you later Skye” he said. “Bye Mike” I said.
I skipped out the door and then decided to hang around and smoke a cigarette. I slid down the wall of the building and lit up. I sat there; admiring how pretty the day was. The clouds were puffy, the air smelled good. The sun was bright, though. I pulled my aviators out of my bag and put them on my face. The parking lot was completely empty except for Mike and Tony’s cars. No one was on the sidewalks. Hm, I thought. I stomped out my cigarette and stood up – heading over to the sidewalk and walking towards the condo edition of town. I decided to take my sweet time and walk around the park. I watched as the cars passed me on the sidewalk, some of the men in them giving me eyes. But that didn’t matter. The only guy I actually care about giving me eyes was Matt. I turned the corner onto my street and noticed that a car was there that wasn’t my Tahoe, Star’s Mitsubishi, or Shayne’s truck.
Oh, fuck.
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yeah... its kinda long-ass :p
hope u like it :0