Sex, Alcohol, and Scandal

Oh Wow

I made a bat-shit crazy dash to my house and ran up the stoop and thrust the door open to see Star and Syn watching a movie, all cuddled up on the couch. “What happened? You look like you just saw a ghost” said Star. “I was walking home and when I turned on our street I saw Syn’s car, which I thought might’ve been the creeper’s car” I said all babbled up. I was surprised that Star even understood me. “Oh. Sorry, Hun. I should’ve told you that I was having Syn over to comfort me” she said. I looked over at Syn, who was looking down at Star with loving eyes. Thank God Star finally found someone that wasn’t a child molester, a rapist, a drunk, or a drug addict.
“Hi, Syn” I said. “Call me Brian” he said. I smiled at him and then walked back to the family room, where I threw my bag down and turned on the TV. Sponge bob was on?! YES! I sat back and relaxed as I watched my favorite cartoon character until I heard Shayne get home. When I heard her truck pull up (You could always tell by how loud her engine is) I looked out the window. Jeez, dark already! She came back into the family room and sat down next to me. “Hey sis” she said, falling on top of me. “Do I look like a body pillow to you?” I asked. “No, but you’re snugly enough to be one” she said. I rolled my eyes. “How was work?” she asked. “Good. Matt came in and stayed with me for a while. You?” I asked. “Boring and uneventful” she said.
“That man chased Star down to my work today” I said. “What man? That guy that bruised her a few nights ago?” she asked. “Yeah, she ran into him at the store and he tracked her down to Hot Topic and attacked her. Tony, thank God, came out and sent him away” I said. I wasn’t going to even tell her that he’d thrown me into the shelves. “So then she came home and called Sir Gates to comfort her?” Shayne asked. “Yep” I said. We were now both lying down on the couch; Shayne was basically on top of me. “Gosh she’s so dumb when it comes to men” she said. “Well, Bri beats out every single other guy she’s ever met” I said. “Yeah, pretty much” said Shayne. She put her arms around me. “I’m so glad that we at least have our heads screwed on tight” she said. I nodded. “Shay?” I asked. “Hm?” she hummed. “Have you talked to Zack since the concert?” I asked. “Yes, as a matter of fact, we’re going on a date tomorrow night” she said. “Awesome! I’m so happy for you” I said. I hugged her tightly and then we both fell onto the floor, shouting ouch at the same time.
We both started laughing our asses off until we looked up to see Brian standing next to us. I looked at our position to see that we looked way inappropriate. “Are you guys into incest or something?” Brian said with wide eyes. “NO” I said. Shayne shook her head no.
“We fell” I said. “I can see that” he said. He picked Shayne up and she helped me up to my feet. “So, I hear that you’re coming with us to Johnny’s tomorrow night” Brian said to me. “Yeah, Matt invited me” I said. Shayne looked over at me with a menacing look. “I was going to tell you” I said. She lit up. “I know” she said happily. She sat on my lap and I groaned. “I wish you three weren’t related” he said. “Why’s that?” I heard Star ask from the other room. “So then I could see you guys do all sorts of things with each oth” – I threw a shoe at him and he became quiet. “I’ll leave you two alone” he said. He walked back into the living room and I pushed Shayne off of my lap.
“Hey, sis?” Shayne asked. “Hm?” I asked. “Let’s go play Guitar Hero” she said. I laughed and we raced each other down the stairs to the basement where all of our video game and music equipment was. She got there first, but that was alright. All that mattered was the hot pink Guitar Hero controller that was on the floor. My controller. I picked it up and tampered with the keys until Shayne turned the game on and we started a co-op career. After about 10 songs, one of us finally said something besides “Damn it” or “You suck”. “Want me to go up and make some popcorn?” she asked. “Sure” I said. “Awesome” she said. She paused the game before the next song started and then we heard a loud bang come from the furnace room. “Shayne, didn’t the furnace guy just come a week ago?” I asked. “Yeah, and he said everything was fine” she said suspiciously. “Go upstairs and make the popcorn. I’ll go check it out” I said. “Okay” she said. She went up the stairs and I cautiously opened the door to the furnace room.
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