Alone On Christmas?!


It was Christmas Eve and everything was quiet. Eveything except for one person.


Gerard was alone and sick, he was sure that he would be sick on Christmas day! Why? Well he had the flu or something, so he was tossing his macaroni and cheese dinner back up most of the night.

"Gerard?" A voice from the doorway whispered.

"Frankie, go away, I'm sick and I don't want you to catch it."

"Are you OK?" Frank asked. Gerard gagged and threw up into the sink.
Why are you alone? It's Christmas," Frank said.

"Mikes, Ray and Bob went to a party and I didn;t want to.."

His stomach lurched and he gagged.

"Lets get you to bed."

" stomach hurts soo bad..." He moaned. He puked all over his sleep pants and fell on the floor, trying not to cry. He was unsuccsesful.

"F..Frankie...ow..It...won't stop hurting..' He sobbed. He hurled all over the wooden floor and Frank picked him up and helped him sit up on a stool. he then cleaned up the puke puddle and sprayed some lemon stuff on it.

Frank walked over and grabbed some crackers. Gerards face paled.

"No? OK I'l get you some meds then." Frank said as he walked over with asprin and water. he gave Gerard the meds and Frank helped him to his bed.

"Frankie...I feel soo stomach won't stop hurting my head is spinning and..." Gerard whined before vomiting all over his bed sheets.

Frank walked over and rubbed Gerard's back.

"What are you getting for Christmas, Gee?"

"Iron Maiden CDs. I dunno."

"Well, Mikey and Ray will be back in a couple hours." Frank said.

"Can..can you stay with me?" Gerard whisperd.

"Sure Gee." He crawled in beside Gerard.

"My stomach hurts..' Gerard whined.

"I know."

"Do you want anything?"

Gerard shook his head, "No"

"OK, go to bed. you'll hopefully feel better."

"OK Frank," Gerard muttered as he fell asleep.


"Gee! WAKE UP!" Mikey said running to Gerard. Gerard stirred and sat up. His stomach still hurt and he clutched it in pain.

"Gerard? What's wrong?" Mikey asked.

"I'm sick..."

"On Christmas?" Mikey said in disbelief.

"Seems so.." Gerard muttered.

"Well, we've got presents in the living room, Frank's here. He said he came here last night. That was really nice of of him to do that."

"Yeah," Gerard replied as he sat up and tried to gain at least some balence, without falling flat on his face.

Gerard stumbled into the living room.

"Hi Gee!" Frank said, tossing Gerard a present.

Gerard sat down on the floor, beside Frank.

"Feeling better?" He asked Gerard.

"Sort of..."

"OK Gee, the one you're holding is from me," Mikey said.


Gerard ripped open the paper, on the other side was the new Iron Maiden CD.

"Sweet! The new Iron Maiden CD!" Gerard said.

"Mikey, this one's for you," Frank said tossing it to Mikey.

"Oh my God!" Mikey burst out laughing. The present was a characture of him as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars.

"Frank, this one's from me," Gerard said.

Frank ripped it open and smiled widely.

"The Nightmare Before Christmas?! Thanks Gee!"

"Here's another one for Gee," Mikey said.

Gerard took the present and ripped it open. It was an Iron Maiden T shirt.

"Thanks!" Gerard smiled.

They finished opening thier presents and Gee felts loads better. That was the best Christmas ever!
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Well i had this in my head and i thought i'd type it. Merry Late Christmas eveyone! ^_^
