Traitor to My Heart

The Taste The Touch

My whole body was buzzing as I got into the car with my boyfriend. He started talking to me, the car turning or swerving every now and then. Oliver had never been a good driver. He placed his hand on my knee and I flinched. The shaking of my hands was now evident and I was trying my best to conceal it, not that Oliver would notice.

I felt nauseous. My head was swimming; I couldn't think straight, my vision was blurred after every blink. I had too much caffeine and no food along with some pills I shouldn't have taken. The drive was awkward after Oliver had pulled his hand away from my leg. Thankfully, we pulled up to the restaurant quickly. Soon enough, Oliver and I made our way into a loud Mexican themed café.

The terracotta walls were adorned with hand painted murals of what I could only guess were the euphemistic versions of a bird's eye view of Mexico. From what I'd seen, Mexico had been a rundown party city. But I'd never had real money to spend on vacation so it could just be me.

Oliver grabbed my hand. I had gotten the shaking somewhat under control. He walked past the host, a young man who looked very intimidated by Oli and I- tattoo sleeves and piercing covering the both of us. We walked to the little lounge-sports bar area where some soccer was being broadcasted on television. Jeering and gallivanting men filled the fifty-foot room. Sauntering up to a few guys at the bar, Oliver took a seat on a stool and pulled me in between his spread legs so that my back was pressed against his chest. I smiled as he kissed my jaw. He smelled of cologne and weed, the sweet sent I'd grown to love. The two at the bar turned to Oli and I and smiled, greeting us.

"Hey Matt," Oli nodded, "Lee,"

Matt smiled at me again to be nice, his face looking even more pig-like than usual. He'd always had the least school boy immaturity sense to him. Then he opened his mouth to speak, his rough accent muffling the endings of the words he spoke, "Curtis rang, Oli. Said 'ed be 'ere in a few."

My heart both sunk and fluttered at those words. Curtis was coming. Not that that was weird, seeing as Oli and I go out with all the boys half the time we go out but I never knew what to do with Curtis.

Not in public, anyway.
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Im so angry I have to re-post all this
Subscibe and comment PLEASE
even though you already read it all.