Traitor to My Heart

All Apologies

An hour after Curtis left me, I walked through the doors to the venue Bring Me The Horizon was playing at, showing the burly guard my laminated pass that Oli left for me. The boys put on a good show, Oli jumping around like a maniac while Curtis basically stood in the back, playing intense riffs. I sat at the bar, doing little half spins in my bar stool, I was so bored. The boys always took hours to get past all the fans.

My phone buzzed, there was a text from Oliver: I need to speak to you now.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion at my phone. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Curtis, his face frantic. "Julz, someone told Oli about us." My jaw dropped and I'm sure my eyes grew three times their normal size. Shit, shit, oh shit.

Curtis took my hand and dragged me through crowds of scene girls, who all tried to stop him and take photos with him, he yelled at them "I'll be back you twats, let me through!" Curtis led me to the back hallway, near the restrooms, and I pressed myself up against the wall. It was dark and I could hardly make out his face, but heard his voice, telling me how Oliver was about ready to kill both of us.

I groaned and sunk against the wooden wall, pulling my knees to my chest and placing my head in my hands. I always had to fuck things up. Curtis kneeled next to me, putting his hands on either side of my face, tilting my head back. "Hey, it'll be okay. Now we can be together."

I groaned again, "No, Curtis. Its not okay. I don't love you, I love-" My pathetic attempt at breaking up with Curtis was interrupted by a pained scream from the entrance of the hallway. "Oliver." I said, half finishing my sentence, half regarding the tortured looking man ten feet away from me. It broke my heart to see his face so anguished and raged.

He screamed, slurring out a string of cuss words at the top of his lungs. "How dare you!" He raged, pushing Curtis away from me, sending him falling back to the floor. I stood up, walking slowly towards Oliver, tears pouring down my cheeks. "No!" He screamed at me, taking a step closer, "Don’t try to apologize, don’t try to make things better, things will never get better!" His voice became so slurred with malice, his words started blending together, accentuating his accent.

"Oli-" I whispered, reaching my hands out apprehensively. He pushed me back against the wall. Curtis came up behind him, trying to calm him down. "Mate, back up. We'll all talk this out, come on Oli."

Oli turned around, leaving me to sag against the wall scared to death, and he pushed Curtis again. "Oh, yeah mate talking it out will really work, I fucking hate you! I hate you both!" He started walking away but turned back, his eyes catching mine, "And you, why don’t you go fuck yourself you fucking whore!"

He bounded away, but I knew he'd be back.
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