Traitor to My Heart

Speak Low If You Speak Love

The fizz from the beer I was drinking tickled my nose as I took another gulp. I felt like my skin was too tight. I was itching to get outside and have a cigarette, to be away from the noise. I slipped out of Oli's arms, past Lee, Matt, Matty (the sweeter one), the girls, and Curtis, onto the patio.

The gravel parking lot was dark except for a single, thick, circular light fixture that was buzzing and being swarmed with mosquitoes. I pulled a pack of cigarettes from my pocket along with my cheetah print lighter. I lit up and took a drag, exhaling slowly, letting the nicotine find its way into my lungs.

I heard the door open and close behind me and felt heavy hands sink into my hips, their thumbs hooking through my belt loops. I looked down at the embracer's heavily tattooed, familiar hands and smiled. I looked up at my boyfriend and kissed his mouth softly.

Turning me around in his arms, Oliver's lips greedily made their way back to mine. I welcomed his tongue and tangled it with my own. I felt Oli moan, his hands finding their way into my back pockets. I surreptitiously threw my cigarette butt onto the floor below my feet and put it out so I wouldn't accidentally singe Oli.

My arms wrapped around his neck as he moved back so that he was up against the front wall, next to the restaurant's entrance. Oliver pulled me closer and kissed my neck. I allowed myself to giggle, his cold lip ring sending a slight shiver down my neck. I shook my shoulders and put my hands in his styled hair and he smiled at me from the crook of my neck. Staying in that embrace made me forget everything. I would forever be happy in Oli's arms like I was for that moment.

Oliver's lips grazed my jaw as he softly spoke into my ear, "Juliana, I love you."
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