Traitor to My Heart

Sorry To Interrupt

"Mate, we've got a bit of an- ah. Sorry Oli...err, Julzy." Curtis's smooth voice came from the door way. I blushed and Oli winked at me, grabbing me tighter, then turned his attention to his friend.

"It's okay, mate. What's up?"

Curtis looked uncomfortable and hurt. I was now aware of everything- how close I was pressed against Oli, his hands in my pockets, my hands on his chest: everything. I shifted my weight so that I was turned into Oli's side, his arm around my shoulders.

Curtis pushed his long hair back and shuffled his feet. "Err, well, Lee's a bit hammered and he just blew up at Cait. He won't talk to us, y'know how he is when he's had too much to drink, mate. Reckon you could speak to him?"

Oli nodded and slipped out of our embrace, pecking my cheek. Leaving Curtis and I alone, he walked into the spot we were at. "D'you think you should, err, talk to Caity then? I'm sure she's busted up 'bout this, eh?" Curtis mumbled.

I lit a cigarette.

Puffing out smoke and not looking Curtis in the eye, I nodded. "Yeah, I'll go find her. Get back inside Curtsy. You've no jacket and I don’t want to have to take care of your sick ass when you catch something." I winked at Curtis as he laughed and held the door open for me.

Maybe everything would work out.