Dear Prudence

Nick Jonas had everything.

A loving family, a home that held memories, a rewarding career.

He had a person to turn to when he needed help.

A house to go to when he was feeling lost.

Prudence O'Leary had nothing.

No people to look to, no place to go when the rain poured down, and only a guitar and her voice to earn a scratch of cash.

She struggles to keep up in our harsh world. She must resort to other things to help her survive.

The two had nothing in common, except their passion for music.

So when Nick stumbles across the street corner that Prudence sings her songs for anyone that will listen, will he just walk past?

Will he show her that not all people are like the ones who just stare at her in disgust and pity when they walk by?

Will he show her that she does have something to live for?