Status: We are thinking about re-writing this story. It hopefully should be put up soon, We are calling it Who I Was. :D

Best Friends Before Rockstars

Dinner With The Devil

{Abby P.O.V.}

"Okay then...table for 6." The waitress failed to notice anything wrong with the picture, as she now had 4 celebrities in front of her (all though I doubt she cared for Demi as much as Nick, Joe, and Kevin). I swear she almost fainted but she kept herself together long enough to get us to our table.

I, on the other hand, could not believe this. She really had the nerve to just walk in here and invite herself to have dinner with us! I kept my mouth shut while walking to the table. And on a little side note: Nick was so close to me that I would have fainted if I had been that little red-head waitress we had....And I must say, he looked very nice tonight. As did Joe and Kevin. But I couldn't really tell what Chloe looked like right now because she was standing next tothe devil Demi, and that blinding thing she calls a dress.

"Okay, here's your table. Let me know if you need anything." She put 6 menus on the table and walked away. Chloe looked at me as if to say, "This is going to be a hell of a night." I nodded my head and looked at Demi.

Kevin sat on one side of the table and Nick sat next to him. Joe slid onto the opposite side, across from Kevin, obviously expecting Chloe to sit next to him. Awe, how sweet...
I sat down next to Nick, and it was a race for survival to sit next to Joe. I had never seen Chloe move so fast in my life, and it would have paid off if Demi hadn't been so darn close to the booth. She just sat down like nothing had happened. Needless to say we got some stares out of that.

That's also when people started to realize that the Jonas Brothers and the Demi Lovato were in the same restaurant as them. Perfect...

Chloe sat down next to Demi, looking defeated. I gave her a sympathetic look and saw Joe mouthing the words, "Help me", over and over again. I almost laughed but then saw that he was serious. He looked over at me and I mouthed, "How?". We then had a conversation without anyone noticing and without letting anybody hear us. It was quite interesting although I had to repeat myself many times. Whenever someone looked over at me, I covered it up with a cough. Genius, I know.

We finally decided to wait a little while longer until it was the right time to follow through with our secret, little plan. If I tell you now, I might have to kill you, so I'm not gonna let that happen. I smiled to myself before realizing that I needed to order something. Right! I've never been to this place before so of course I had no idea what I was going to eat.

Just my luck, our waitress was just walking over to take our order. I opened the menu quickly to find something that looked good. Joe did the same, since he was also preoccupied with figuring out a plan to sit next to Chloe.

I decided on having chicken fingers and fries. Once the waitress left, I tried to figure out what everyone was talking about. It seemed like a continuation of the conversation they were having before the waitress came, and of course, I had no idea what that was about.

"So, I don't need to do it now...."
"I can't tell them yet, it would ruin...."
"No, it's nothing, trust me!"

Yeah, I'm so lost! "Um..What are we talking about here?"

I heard a long sigh from Demi, "You should be paying attention. I am not going to explain all of this again! And you don't even care, so you're not going to know!"

"You don't have to tell her, don't worry, I will!" Chloe smiled at Demi, looked over at me and started talking really fast, despite the fact that Demi was trying to make her stop telling me.

"Okay, so she thinks that we aren't mature enough to handle the music business..." Demi tried to make her stop by hitting her in the arm, but Chloe caught her hand and went on talking, "and if we really loved music so much, then we wouldn't be here right now. Instead we would be practicing and writing and doing things that would help us start to become somebody in the music industry. I told her that we don't have to practice right now because we have been practicing endlessly for hours!" Demi broke free from Chloe's grip.

"Do you ever shut up?" Demi was mad...
"No, not really...Why? Does it bother you?"
"Uh, yeah kinda!"
"Good." She smiled and went on to explain to me the entireconversation argument to me...with an occasional Demi interruption. It sounded to me like I missed a lot...oh well.

When I was done listening to what Chloe was saying, I looked at Demi. She didn't look like she was going to say I did.

"You think you're so much better than us, don't you?" I waited for her to answer although it was a rhetorical question. I was surprised when she really did answer.

"Yeah, actually, I do. First of all, I have fans. People know about me, and they love me! How about you? Nobody knows who you are!"

"Nobody really knows who you are either! Before I met you, I was a big fan. But now that I know what a jerk you are, I don't even care about if you have good music, because you're personality is so much the opposite!"

"How dare you just walk into my life and tell me who I am and what my music says about me! You don't even know me!"

"I know enough. Plus, you walked into that studio when we were recording, if you remember."

"I was on the list! I was supposed to be recording On The Line with them." She looked at Joe, Kevin, and Nick, who were watching this whole thing play out.

Chloe spoke up after that, "They don't even want to record the song with you! You shouldn't be making them do that, and personally, it's probably not very good if they don't like it."

Oh. Snap. That made her pretty pissed.

She didn't even say anything. Just glared at Chloe, who stared right back.
I wondered who would be the first to break, but just then, our food came. Perfect timing, this was about to get intense too...

We ate in silence, and when we were done, it was the guys chance to yell at her...

"How exactly did you know we were coming here Demi?" Nick broke the silence.

Cough, "Stalker" cough, came from Kevin. I had to laugh at that...silently of course. I didn't want her to beat me up, jeez!

"I have my ways...and why do you even care? I'm already here."

"No need to get defensive, jeez." Joe said...she looked at him. Scary...

"I'm not being defensive!" That sounded pretty defensive to me....

They went on and on about random things and how Demi was'nt being fair about the song...blah blah blah. Eventually, I heard something about Demi saying that Joe was her boyfriend. You can imagine the resonse she got from that little comment. I decided to tune their conversation out of my head as we ordered dessert.

I had cheesecake, and so did Nick and Chloe. It was good, but it ended to early....I want more cheesecake.


Thank God Demi finaly left...that was an interesting dinner.

The guys dropped Chloe and I off at Morgan's house at the end of the night.
"Thanks for the ride, and dinner. See ya at the studio tomorrow! Bye." Chloe said as we got out of the car. I said good-bye also and we walked into the house.

"That was a good day." I sighed.
"Except for Demi, but that's to be expected."
"Haha, yeah."

We walked to the kitchen, and Morgan was standing there on the phone.
"Yeah, That will work...I just have to tell the girls...okay, bye." She looked at us and asked us how our day had been.

We told her about everything and then she looked down.

"What's up Morgan?" Chloe looked at her cousin.

She sighed, "We need to talk...."

Chloe and I looked at eachother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating in a while before the last chapter! By the way, thanks viki for doing that :)
Anyway, thank you guys for the band name suggestions that we have gotten. We still have to figure out which one to use though.

Comment, subscribe, please!!!!!
~Abby <3