Status: We are thinking about re-writing this story. It hopefully should be put up soon, We are calling it Who I Was. :D

Best Friends Before Rockstars

How Do You Like Me So Far

(Chloe's P.O.V.)

"Hey Chloe!" Abby called to me after class

Yes lunch is next awesome! Oh right I have to tell Abby the news, she will be so excited!

"Hey Abby!" I said super excitedly.

"What's you blood sugar, you seem hyper!" she told me.

"Yes! I am 114 thank you very little! I am just really exited!" I was excited to tell her the news I had because I couldn't tell her before school because my bus driver had to yell at us again, I mean seriously after 50 times don't you think we get it?? I was jumping up and down with my black-brown hair bouncing up and down. I was wearing my awesome new yellow skinny jeans, my old pink converse (with my amazing black with pink star shoelaces), with a green top. It had pink hearts on the bottom rim. My hair was half up with my bangs down. My yellow bobby pins were holding my bangs back a little. God that clip is annoying.

"Okay then why are you so exited today?!"

"Well, I have big news! And don't worry, my mom talked with your mom about it...and also my cousin so yeah no need to freak out on me……….again, even thought I know you will anyway…….."

"Chloe! Just spit it out already!" Abby cut me off

Geez! I was getting to it! I thought while sticking my tongue out at her.

"Okay I'll say it short and sweet, You and I are going to go to L.A. for the summer to my cousins house!!"

Abby's mouth dropped and I just laughed I knew she has wanted to go there forever.

"Omigosh! Really??" Abby almost yelled.

"Hello that was my ear, I use that. And would I lie to you?? Ok never mind that was a dumb question, but yeah we are!! So, we leave in exactly....." I looked at my wrist like I had a watch. "7 days, start packing kid!" I told her while smiling.

Ring, Ring, Ring.

"Crap" I muttered as I grabbed my lunch so Abby and I could head off to lunch.

For the rest of lunch Abby and I talked about what we were gonna bring and how excited we were.


At the end of the school day I said bye to Abby, and our other friends, Viki, Carina, and Kristina, then headed off to the bus. Once I got there I sat down and listened to my ipod, then got bothered by Tom (the most annoying guy on earth, I hate him), and started my packing list. Yay so fun right?? Not!

Once I got home I put my ipod in my ihome and started packing, about half hour later I got bored and started on the rest of my home work. After about an hour of that, it was about 4:30p.m. so I got a snack. Milk and cookies, yummy. Then I went back to my home work. After that I had to eat dinner. Next I went on the computer and watched some T.V.. Then around 10:30 or 11:00 I went to bed. The rest of the week was pretty much the same. nothing new. Well except for my excitement level. Yeah, that was way up!


Saturday after noon and I finished packing everything except the stuff I would need for the next two days. All of a sudden my cell phone started ringing.

"Yellow??" I answered after seeing it was Abby.

"Help!" she yelled.

"Ugh! What do you need missy??" I told her while looking for my Ipod.

"I can't find my red converse!" I laughed this girl was always losing something.

"Haha! Abby those are under your bed." I said remembering the other day when she kicked them under her bed.

"Really?? Let me check." I heard her drop to the floor.

After about 30 seconds.

"Ah ha! There you are!" she said to her shoes like the dork she is. I heard her get up of the floor.

"Abby you do realize you are talking to shoes right??" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Pshh so?? Talking to shoes is for kool people!" she told me matter of factly. I rolled my eyes. Wondering why everyone thinks I'm the odd one.

"Right what ever, are you going to bring your guitar??" I asked her even though I already knew the answer. Abby never goes anywhere without her guitar.

"Of course I am! Duh! And you better bring the songs because I need to practice!" she told me. I remembered the new song I had written and went to get it off my desk. I put it in my song folder and put the folder in my suitcase. I heard my mom yell up the stairs about how dinner is ready.

"Okay well I got to go I'm being yelled at about how dinner is ready or something, talk to ya later!"


Monday I woke up smiling. L.A. day! I got dressed in jean Bermudas, my Jonas Brothers T-shirt and my blue converse (with pink polka-dot shoelaces). Then when to the bathroom and put my hair in a side ponytail, and put on purple eye shadow, mascara, black eye liner, and some lip gloss.

I piled all my bags (5 of them to be exact) by the front door. When I heard the door bell ring.

"Abby!" I exclaimed.

"Chloe!" She yelled back.

"Guess what!" I said just as loud.

"What??" She said a little quieter than me.

"We are going to effing L.A. today!!" I yelled again.

"I know!" she yelled.

"Girls quiet down!" My mom yelled. Abby's mom laughed as she came through the door.

"I could hear you guys outside!" She said still laughing. Abby and I just smiled.

"Why don't you guys go get Abby's bags?" My mom said.

"Okay" we both agreed.

About 15 minutes later Viki, Carina, and Kristina came to say goodbye.

"Bye you guys" I told them, as I gave each of them a hug and Abby did the same.

"We will miss you guys" Viki said sadly. Carina and Kristina nodded in agreement.

"I'll miss you too" Abby replied.

"Ya me too" I said. After saying our last good byes we were off to the airport.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was my first chapter I hope you like it. I think Abby did a good job on the first chapter. Comment and tell us what you think! We Might have found someone to be my cousin already!
Ya' snooze ya' lose people! hahaha

Peace. Love. Comments.

-Chloe ;D