Status: We are thinking about re-writing this story. It hopefully should be put up soon, We are calling it Who I Was. :D

Best Friends Before Rockstars

Stay Young

{Abby p.o.v.}

People change and promises are broken
Clouds can move and skies will be wide open
So don't forget to take a breath
Life isn't suffocating
Air isn't overrated
Worlds are spinning round
There's no time for slowing down
So won't you take a breath, just take a breath

I woke up on Monday morning to the sound of my ring tone, Take a Breath, but i opened it before it got to "Life isn't suffocating". I love that song....anyway, this is how the phone call went:




A- Hello...why did you decide to bother me at...9:20 on a Monday morning?

C- Two words Abby, think!

A- ugh, morning, early, can't think!

C- At least try! these are two very important words today!

A- um.....ugh, let me think... wait, what day is it?!

C- Monday! Ya, know , that nice day that happens to.....

A- We're going to L.A.!

C- Thank you!

A- Omigosh! I can't wait! what time should I come over to your house? I can't believe I forgot! I mean I have all my bags packed and everything! That should have been....

C- Shut up!

A- Fine... but really, what time should I be at your house?

C- My mom said you can come around....10:30ish because we have to be at the airport at 12:45, 'cause our plane leaves at 1:45...and you can hang out earlier, and yeah you get the picture...

A- Okey dokey! I'll be there! See ya!

C- Bye!

As soon as I remembered about L.A. (And I still can't believe I forgot for one second!), I got ready to take a shower.
While I was in the shower, I tried to decide what clothes I would where. They had to be comfortable, because I was going to be on a plane...but I also had to look good, because well, there might be a really hot guy at the airport or on our plane. I'm sure Chloe was thinking the same thing. But, you never really know.

I got out of the shower and let my hair air dry as best it could. I decided on a black-and-yellow theme. For some reason, I've been color coordinating lately. I wore, my black shorts, with a yellow tank-top. I also wore a black lightweight jacket. (It was only 65 degrees outside!)
I couldn't decide between my yellow converse and my yellow flip-flops, so I called Viki, and she told me to wear my flip-flops. I thought it was comfortable and I liked it too. There really wasn't much to choose from though. Most of my clothes were in my 4 bags that I was bringing to California. I also had a carry-on bag with random essentials that I need. I still can't believe that I'm going to L.A.!!!! Excitement times 100!

My hair was still wet, so I dried it a little and put it up in a high pony-tail. My make-up bag was already packed, but I did leave some mascara and lip gloss out. I put that on, and went downstairs to grab some breakfast.

I got a bowl of cereal, and looked at the clock. it was 10:00. I had to leave in about 15 minutes to get to Chloe's house at 10:30.

My mom came down the stairs, and told me that we had to leave early because she had to go to the bank or something like that. I wasn't really paying attention that much. So, we left at about 10:10.


"Abby!" Chloe yelled to me when I got to her house.

"Chloe!" I yelled back.

"Guess what!" She said just as loud as last time.

"What?!" I said a little quieter.

"We are going to effing L.A. today!!" She yelled again.

"I know!" I yelled, louder this time.

"Girls quiet down!" Chloe's mom yelled. my mom laughed as she came through the door.

"I could hear you guys outside!" She said still laughing. Chloe and I just smiled.

"Why don't you guys go get Abby's bags?" Chloe's mom said.

"Okay!" We said together.

About 15 minutes later Viki, Carina, and Kristina came to say goodbye.

"Bye you guys" Chloe said, as she gave each of them a hug and I did the same.

"We will miss you guys" Viki said sadly. Carina and Kristina nodded in agreement.

"I'll miss you too!" I replied, almost as sad a Viki. But, I couldn't be that sad, if I was going to L.A. today!

"Ya me too" Chloe said. After saying our last good byes we were off to the airport.

We were going to L.A. by ourselves because Chloe's cousin, Morgan was picking us up from the airport. I have only seen her once when she came to visit Chloe and her family a few years ago. She was really fun to hang out with. Now she is 21 years old, and lives by herself, but is not far from her parents. She was very happy to have us coming to stay at her house from what could tell. Last time I saw her she had red hair, but I heard that she died it. I can't remember the color though. Oh well.

Chloe and I had just boarded the plane, and I had the window seat while she had to sit in the middle, next to a complete stranger. Ha ha!
Yeah, it was a "ha ha" until that "complete stranger" happened to be an extremely hot guy, with black hair!
"You still want the window seat?" She whispered to me, in a way that meant, "Ha ha! I got the guy, and you get to see the clouds! Have fun with that!"
"Trade seats with me!" I whispered back to her.
"No, no, you really want that window seat, I can tell." She smiled evilly.
I, being the mature one, stuck my tongue out at her. Oh yeah, that hurts! (not!)

One hour into the flight, I found out that the guy's name is Kyle, Chloe got his phone number, and he still has not noticed me. He is 15 years old, and says that age doesn't matter when it's within a range of 6 years. That's his policy, or whatever. I could care less....or more. Stupid window seat!

"Please!" I whispered to her for the thousandth time in 20 minutes.
"Not gonna happen!" That has been her response every time.
I sighed loud enough for her to hear, and obviously Kyle too.
"Oh hey, I'm kyle. I didn't see you there." Her stuck out his hand for me to shake it.
"I know, I heard. I'm Abby, nice to meet you." I shook his hand while staring right past Chloe.
"You too." Then he turned back around, and Chloe looked at me again, and smiled while rolling her eyes.
Then I noticed that while he shook my hand, he slipped me a note that said: Get my # from Chloe. Call me.
Ha ha! We don't really compete like this. It's kind of just fun to mess with each other sometimes...or a lot. :)
I sat back, and listened to my ipod, while I fell asleep for the end of the flight. I was on my way to paradise.


Till my breath
I’m alive
When we’re side by side
This is dedicated to you

(C’mon, c’mon)
Sing along oh oh oh oh oh
(C’mon, c’mon)
Sing along
(C’mon, c’mon)
Sing along oh oh oh oh oh
(C’mon, c’mon)

We are only here for one more night
Scream it like you mean it
One more time
We’ll tear down the building
(C’mon, c’mon)
Sing along oh oh oh oh oh
(C’mon, c’mon)
Stay young

We’ll be holding onto this so tight
Scream it like you mean it
One more time
We’ll tear down the building
(C’mon, c’mon)
Sing along oh oh oh oh oh
(C’mon, c’mon)
Stay young
♠ ♠ ♠
This one was a little longer. I don't have many readers, or subscribers. I need COMMENTS people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Chloe is posting it on her page too.

~Abby <3 <3 <3