Status: We are thinking about re-writing this story. It hopefully should be put up soon, We are calling it Who I Was. :D

Best Friends Before Rockstars

Table for five...Oh, plus that loser

Chloe's Point of View

It's funny, a couple of days ago we were just two girls living in the dead beat state of Ohio, and now we are going to dinner with the Jonas Brothers! Since it was about four o'clock, the guys said that they'd pick us up in an hour, needless to say Abby and I were clawing at each other for the bathroom.

"Abby! No, I called it!" I said, trying to wiggle my way past her.

"Psh, when?" Abby asked, blocking the door.

"In my head! Ha!" I said, finally getting past her. Abby mumbled something under her breath I probably shouldn't repeat as she went to the closet to pick out some clothes for tonight.

I had already chosen my outfit and just had to somehow style my fair. I figurede that I'd just leave it down after straightening it a bit. I put on my outfit before leaving the bathroom to meet Abby who was already dressed.

"Ready?" I asked, grabbing my purse. I never was one for the designer purses, but my friends loved them so I got a number of them for my birthday.

She glared. "Yes, even though I had to do my make-up in the reflection of window"

The doorbell rang, causing both me and Abby to go into a state of totally girly girlness, which included "Oh my Gods" and giggling. Oh the shame!

Abby ran to opened the door and revealed three very good looking boys waiting for us. Now isn't that every girls dream? Well, not Viki's...Viki's would be Leonardo DiCaprio but we aren't going to talk about that.

"Hey, you two ready or must we wait another hour?" Joe said, grinning at me, I think, or he was grinning at the fern behind me. Oh crap, he loves the fern not me! Crash position...wait, for the love of God, I'm an idiot.

"We're ready," Abby said, grabbing her purse and following the guys out towards the car, with me trailing in the back with Joe. He was telling me some story while I just nodded my head every once and a while, remembering back to this afternoon and oh my God, I seriously had kissed Joe Jonas!

We got into Kevin's car with Abby, Nick and me in the back while Joe, as always, yelled "Shotgun!" and jumped into the passenger seat. So hot...

Nick and Abby were flirting with each other, being all cute and giggly while I was trying very hard not to laugh, so were Kevin and Joe.

"So, how long are you two here?" Joe asked me, raising his eyebrow.

I blushed. "Depends how things work out."

"I see..." he said, scratching his chin in an attempt to look smart, which just caused Kevin and me to just burst out laughing. Joe and I then had a debate who was the coolest villian: Swipper from Dora or Mojo Jojo from the Powerpuff Girls. Joe thought that moneky was cooler than the swipping fox! No way.

We finally arrived at the resturant, agreeing that Swipper was cooler because he lived on a hill with blueberries or something like that. Nick helped Abby out of the car, the ever gentleman, while Joe mimiked his actions with me, in an attempt to make fun of him.

We went inside and saw that it was one of those cute resturant, not like plates made of solid gold or stuff like that. It was the kind that served cheese burgers and milkshakes and french fries, needless to say, I realized that I was pretty freakin' hungry.

"Table for five?" Kevin asked, causing the waitress to nearly die because one of the Jonas Brothers were in front of her. The red head waitress studdered and dropped the stake of menus she was holding, blushing greatly as Kevin helped her pick them up.

"Yes, right this way," she said starting to lead the way when we were interrupted by someone.

"Plus one more!" Demi said, coming clacking in her heels behind us. She was wearing some sparkly dress that nearly blinded us at it reflected off the flouresent lights.

"Oh yeah, and plus this loser," Abby said, rolling her eyes, causing the guys to snort. I laughed, only to have Demi glare at me, the same one she did when I kissed the Joe Jonas.

This dinner not-a-date-but-a-date was going to get really interesting really quickly
♠ ♠ ♠
This is Chloe's outfit
Abby's outfit

Hey everyone! This isn't Abby or Chloe, it's actually Viki (the same loser who wrote the last chapter!). I have somehow managed to get this story pulled up on my account so I figured that I'd update for these poor souls who really, reall want to read this. Abby, Chloe, if you are reading this: YOU'RE WELCOME!

Peace, Love, Leo