Status: completed.

Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart Now Baby.


You know those days when you don't want to get out of bed at all? Those days that make you want to scream at the world, while you just curl up in a ball and lie there, doing absolutely nothing? The kind of days, that may be sunny; bright and warm, but all you notice are the clouds forming?

You take notice of all the bad things going on at that very instant, that you've gone blind to notice all the good things about that day? You're so caught up in your own little world, and for the fact that you think everything is going horrid in your life, that you always miss that one little second that gives you that extra push just to move forward. That one little push that always puts a smile onto your face, that push that gives you the motivation to do anything. The motivation just to make it through the day with some single thread of happiness.

Well, today was one of those days.

Waking up cranky and pissed off at the world, I debated whether or not I should go to school. I wasn't a big morning person, and I absolutely loathed going to high school. I was grateful that I was finally a big bad senior, but I still hated the fact that I had to be up at seven in the damn morning.

Groaning loudly in protest, I viciously threw my fluffy, comfortable bright orange blanket onto the floor. Rolling my eyes, I sat up and yawned loudly. Literally; falling out of my queen sized bed, I pulled on a pair of clean dark blue jeans, and a light green long sleeved shirt.

Stumbling down the stairs, I was starting to regret ever getting out of my bed. Grabbing the car keys that were hanging by the front door, I walked out into the cold November weather. Feeling the cold, little raindrops hit my head, I cursed myself for leaving my warm and comfortable bed again. Muttering a few more select curse words under my breath, I started the ignition and pulled out of my drive way.

The car ride wasn't an eventful one. The same car ride I have always been used to. Passing by a bunch of houses, turning left, passing more houses, turning a right, passing a church and a few select houses here and there. Making another left, I was finally facing the horrid place called high school.

Quickly pulling into a parking space next to a silver Volvo, I smiled when I noticed I had just taken someone else's normal parking spot. Internally cracking up, I swung my door open and stepped onto the parking lot pavement. Groaning in protest once again, I felt my feet walk me towards the front entrance of the school.

Passing a few couples practically having sex in the hallways, I gave them a disgusted look and a scoff as I passed them. I absolutely hated public displays of affection, it made my stomach turn. I always wanted to go up to the couples and pull their faces away from each other, then maybe smack their foreheads together after. I never had the guts to do that though, I probably would have been insulted non stop though. It's not like I care what people say about me, I just didn't like being paid attention to; whether it was negative or positive attention.

I wasn't even paying attention to where I was walking, which was always a mistake, considering I am very clumsy and prone to accidents. And according to my theory, it was proven to be correct. Without realizing what was happening, I had walked right in front of a opening door.

Feeling the sudden pain in my forehead and my back, I started to curse under my breath for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. Closing my eyes tightly from the pain I reached towards my forehead, and felt a small bump, and most likely a huge bruise forming. I mentally scolded myself for being so dumb and unobservant.

"You should watch where you're walking." Hearing a male voice, I wanted to kick my foot up and hit right in between his legs. I wanted to hear him feel the same pain I was feeling at the moment. I don't think that was highly right of me to think that, since the pain was slowly disappearing, but the pain of being kicked in the penis was unbearable. I just wanted to see him doubled over in pain, so I could laugh at whoever it was that whacked my forehead with a hard ass wooden door.

Instead of kicking my leg up, I pushed away the helping hand that was waiting for me to take. I hadn't even realized who the culprit was, but once I did, I mentally groaned again. The messy dark brown hair, the light brown eyes that I never really looked into besides today. And the annoying little smirk that was plastered on his face, a smirk I'd like to rip off his face right now and throw to a pack of hungry wolves. I should have figured it was a stupid moron like Alex Gaskarth. "Maybe you shouldn't swing the door open so violently next time." I muttered back, while I rubbed my forehead again, and started to walk away.

Ignoring his response, and his presence behind me, I walked towards my trigonometry class, which so happened to have Alexander Gaskarth in it as well.

My day couldn't possibly be any worse than it is already.... could it?
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm re-editing all of my chapters to this story.

But if you're new and haven't read what I originally had, leave some feedback on what you think so far :)