Status: completed.

Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart Now Baby.


Have you ever been sitting in a class, and get that feeling like someone was staring at you? You just feel that sensation of being watched? You can't really explain how you know that someone is watching you, but that overwhelming feeling is just penetrating your thoughts and feelings.

And because of this feeling, you don't want to look up in case you actually are being stared at. But you do anyway, and every time you look up, no one is staring at you. Which in return you feel like you're just being paranoid, but in all reality, you know that someone was staring at you.

I've always hated that sensation, it always pissed me off to no end.

All through out Trigonometry, that's what was happening to me. I would feel like someone was staring at me, but every time I lifted my head, I would find no one staring in my direction. It might have been the throbbing headache I was starting to gain, but I didn't exactly know. All I wanted was my last class to be next, so I could go home and sleep off this growing headache.

Listening to Mr. Pierce tell the class what our homework that was due tomorrow, I started packing up my bag to leave. He always announced what the homework was right before the bell rang, signifying us we only had five minutes to get to our next class.

I smiled slightly when the bell rang, I ignored the calling of my name from someone in the back of the class, and practically jogged to my next class. I didn't really want to deal with anyone at the moment, it would have made my headache worse.

Sitting on the stool right by the classroom door, I waited for my favorite teacher to tell us what we would be drawing and interpreting today. Resting my head on the cold black desk, I could hear the teenagers in the hallways gossiping about the latest drama. I rolled my eyes at the mention of Alex Gaskarth, he was always the favorite topic of gossiping about. I didn't see why though, but all the girls liked giggling and whispering to each other about him.

Hearing someone enter the room, I hoped it was Mrs. Sullivan, but instead it was an old woman. She looked friendly enough, but since she was a substitute, it would mean we'd have to do book work instead of actually drawing.

Hearing the bell ring, I sighed in happiness. After lunch, I'd have to go to my last class, which so happened to be health slash parenting class. It was a pretty easy class, everyone took it their senior year for the credit. I only needed to get three more credits to be able to graduate, which basically meant that I would be done in January instead of June like most seniors.

Buying a pretzel, and a bottle of water, I sat in the back of the lunchroom. It was sort of isolated from everyone else, but I didn't mind it. It was better than sitting with the so called 'popular people,' and I didn't have to listen to the annoying chatter and drama from everyone.

"Hi, Sadie." Halfway through lunch, I looked up from the drawing pad I was so engrossed in. I hadn't even realized that someone had taken a seat across from me. Realizing who was sitting in front of me, I groaned and started to finish the drawing I was preoccupied with.

"What do you want?" I never realized how emotionless my tone could be sometimes. I guess it was a good thing though, no one would be able to know how I was feeling by my tone.

Raising my left eyebrow after a minute of silence, I looked up from my drawing and noticed that he was scrutinizing me. It made my skin crawl, and I wanted to squirm in my seat. "You're very hard to read, Sadie Williams. " I watched with furrowed eyebrows as the annoying smirk cross his face again. The same smirk from this morning, the one where I wanted to rip off his face and smack him with it. "I just wanted to know how you were feeling."

Shaking my head in annoyance, I returned back to my almost complete drawing. "I'm perfectly fine, Alex Gaskarth. Why don't you go back to ignoring me now, the way I like it." Closing my drawing pad, I placed it back into my bag carefully. Swinging the strap onto my right shoulder, I stood up and left the cafeteria in a hurry and leaving Alex sitting back at the table.

Going straight to my last class for the day, I sat in the back away from the teacher. I had her for two years in my freshman and sophomore English classes. I never liked her, she was a old annoying hag, we never got along.

As students started piling in, I tapped my pencil against the desk, and waited for the lesson to start. Seeing Alex enter the room, I slid down my chair so he wouldn't see me and decide he wanted to have a small chat session again. I signed in relief when he sat in the front, all the while giving his smirk to one of the pretty girls in the front.

"Good morning class. I decided to skip past the section on how to build self-esteem within a growing family. Usually, I don't do this assignment until the end of the term, but I thought I'd change it up a bit. We've all heard, 'project baby mommy' right?" Groaning internally, I suddenly regretted ever taking this stupid ridiculous class. "We'll I've made the 'married couples' already, so I will be announcing them first. Once your name is called, find your partner and sit next to him or her."

Rolling my eyes, I waited impatiently for her to either call my name or my partners name. "Amanda Smith and Chris Bybbi. Becka Lelli and Jay Moore. Alex Gaskarth and Sadie Williams." I could feel the blood rush throughout my body. I could feel the anger, the humiliation, and just plain dislike radiate off my body. Watching Alex stand up, I sunk in my chair even farther.

"Hey honey." He whispered into my ear before pulling up a chair next to me.

Could my life get any worse than this?
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