The Way You Dance, the Way You Move

Unwanted Interuptions


My whole body, including my mind, was still shaking from Bert's kiss not even thirty minutes ago. After it happened, he wrapped me into a tight hug and we sat there like that for a good ten minutes, listening to the soothing sounds of Morrissey. My CD player was lifted from the floor by only an upside down milk crate. Bert leaned back against the bed and made me sit in front of him, between his legs, leaning back into his chest. I traced designs on my plush beige carpet as he smoothed his hands over my hair. We both fell asleep there like that. I thought I was in absolute heaven.


I woke up and stretched, not meaning to fall asleep. Quinn was no where to be found and I heard the shower running. Steph or Manda, I guess?
I sat up and saw Quinn sneaking across the carpet in only a towel. His body putting off heat, dripping with hot water. I gasped, mostly at his body and he startled, jumping back. His towel came off with that jump and his face turned beet red.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry", he begged for forgiveness.
"It's fine! Don't worry, not the first naked man I've seen" I said, trying to lighten up the mood and lift his embarassment. It didn't seem to work, so I decided to change the subject. "Any hot water left?"
"Oh, yeah, definitely"
I smiled and stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.


Jeph and I sat on my bed, staring out the window at the snow beginning to fall as we listened to the sounds of Morrissey coming through the walls from Steph's room. I looked at each snowflake as it fell in front of me, deciding they all really were different from the others. I followed a small delicate one down to the ground as it blended in with the others, making a fresh blanket of pure gorgeousness on the ground outside of the apartment complex. A song faded to an end as another began. I Caught Fire. I turned to look at Jeph and he smiled at me. I blushed and smiled, too, turning back to the snow.
"Manda" Jeph whispered
I turned to face him, "Yes, Jepha?"
"You're beautiful"
I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. "Thank you" I practically whispered as he pulled my body tight against his chest. I couldn't believe this was happening. It had to be a dream. I pinched myself, where Jeph couldn't see, and realized I wasn't dreaming, I was just living a dream.


As soon as Whitney had slipped into the shower, I began pacing the room. What was wrong with me? Why did I feel so nervous around her? Bert and Jeph didn't waste any time on finding girls they were pleased with. Dan was writing, maybe I should do the same. I decided against it, my thoughts were too jumbled. I reached my hands up to my head and pushed back my hair, pulling on it, trying to get her out of my head. I dropped my hands back down to my sides with a loud grunt of frustration.
"Are you okay?" I snapped back to reality at the sound of her voice.
"I'm fine"
"No offense, but when people are fine, they don't generally try to pull their hair out"
I blushed and looked at her, taking it all in. She was wearing black yoga pants and a thin purple t-shirt with a ribcage on it. Her hair was wet and wild and she had no make up on. I gasped when I reached her face to find this. She was even pretty without make up. Some girls, you see without make up and they're a totally different person, but with her, she just looked more innocent.
"So really, if you want to talk, I'm here" she offered.
I nodded and stepped towards her, feeling tears stinging my eyes, threatening to spill out.
"Quinn?" she asked, sounding concerned.
I reached my hand towards her face and gently touched her cheek, staring down into her eyes. She took a deep breath in and stared back into my eyes, putting her hand on mine. I leaned towards her, shaking all over, when a loud knock on the door interuptted us. Did I say knock? I meant an extremely loud and obnoxious banging.
"QUINN! I finally figured out that guitar line! It's awesome! Do you want to hear it?" Dan shouted through the door.
"Not now, Dan"
"No, seriously, come here!"
I sighed loudly and Whitney dropped her hand from mine and stepped away from me, going towards the door. She opened it and Dan burst in with a guitar. With a meek smile, she left the room and I heard her feet padding down the stairs. I put my head in my hands and sighed loudly.
"Did I interupt something?" Dan asked slowly
"No, you're fine" I said softly.