The *** and the Parliament


I let Lauren take over when I found that her words flowed better and faster than mine. She seemed to know the incantation better than me, even though she claimed never to have heard it. It was remarkable. I made a mental note to ask her about it later, while I concentrated on the spell.

With Lauren in control, I felt the spell's effects far more. Gravity was shifting and distorting. I felt weightless one second and a strong pull in every direction the next. My insides were floating around throughout my body as they pleased. I didn't dare open my eyes, afraid of what might lie before them. Reality was flipped upside down.

Gradually, my world flickered like a lightbulb until finally, it went out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise that if I ever write a chapter shorter than this, you have permission to beat me to death and stuff my body into a telephone booth in a humiliating position. It was just impossible to add to this, but I still needed twelve chapters for the second part. x.x

This is the last you'll hear from me for a short while. Once I'm ready to post again, it'll be the second interlude, which I've already got planned out in my head. It's just a matter of typing it up.

Longer chapters next time.
