Falling with Every Step

We Rock

Vicky heard two people laughing as she walked onto her tour bus. She looked over at the couch and saw Gabe with his arm around Mary Jane, both of them watching television.

“What’s going on here?” Vicky asked pointing at the two of them.

“What?” Gabe asked. “We’re watching Camp Rock.”

“I meant, what’s going on with—wait, did you say Camp Rock?” Vicky asked looking at the television, which did in fact display Camp Rock.

“What? Can’t two grown adults watch a little Disney?” Gabe asked while Mary Jane began laughing next to him.

“Um, sure,” Vicky said. “But what I was asking before is what’s going on between you two?”

“What do you mean?” Mary Jane asked, intentionally playing stupid.

“Well, let’s see here. First, Gabe’s screaming at his old stalker. Then, you go over there and he kisses you. Then, he runs out of the club. And now, I come back, and he’s got his arm around you. So what gives?”

“We’re together now,” Mary Jane said looking up at Gabe.

“Seriously?” Vicky screamed.

“Yeah,” Gabe said laughing. The door to the tour bus opened, and Brendon and Alex walked in.

“What’s going on in here?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, Vicky, did I just hear you scream?” Brendon asked.

“Maybe,” Vicky replied, her cheeks going pink with embarrassment.

“She was excited,” Mary Jane replied. The two boys looked over at her and noticed Gabe’s arm around Mary Jane.

“Are you two,” Brendon began pointing between the two of them.

“An item?” Alex finished for him.

“Yeah, we are. Why?” Gabe asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Alex said.

“What?” Mary Jane asked. “Is there a problem?”

“Well, I don’t have a problem, but Chris might,” Alex replied.

Gabe hadn’t thought about how Chris would react. He knew that Chris hated Mary Jane from back in high school. He didn’t know exactly why he hated her, but he was pretty sure he would be pissed when he found out that the two of them were together now. “Shit,” Gabe said.

“What?” Mary Jane asked turning around and looking at him. “Why would Chris have a problem with you and me going out?”

“MJ, I don’t know how to put this, but Chris hates you,” Brendon said bluntly. Vicky turned around and hit him in the chest. “What?” he whined to her.

“Nice way of putting it.”

“Well, he does.”

“MJ, don’t worry about Chris,” Vicky told her.

“I still don’t understand why Chris hating me would be a problem for me and Gabe.”

“MJ, Chris is going to hate that I’m going out with you,” Gabe said.

“So?” Mary Jane said.

“I don’t want him pissed at me.”

“So, what? You don’t want to go out with me now?” Mary Jane asked, getting angrier with every word. “You’re going to let Chris control your life?”

“No, MJ, that’s not what I’m saying. Let’s just see what happens, okay?” Gabe asked kissing her.

“Fine,” Mary Jane said.

“Are you guys watching Camp Rock?” Brendan asked out of nowhere.

“Yeah, we are,” Gabe said.

“Ooh, good,” Brendan said sitting down next to Mary Jane while the others laughed at him.

“What? It’s a good movie!” Brendan cried.

“Whatever!” Alex said while he and Vicky sat down on the floor to watch the movie, too.
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I just had to throw in a little Disney and Camp Rock!!
